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Was ist gesunde Ernährung?


What is a healthy diet?

We all know it, we hear the same thing day in, day out. healthy diet is crucial. But what is actually meant by a healthy diet? A healthy diet refers to intake of nutrientsthat the body needs to function optimally. Again, this is not just about the quantity of food, but also about the quality of the foodthat we consume or eat.

Healthy nutrition - composition

A healthy diet consists of a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates, good fats, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy body weight, metabolism, immune system and general health. The right amount is always important, because even with vitamins, more does not always mean better.

  • ProteinsProteins are the building blocks of the body and support the structure and the repair of tissue and cells. They are found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, pulses and dairy products. Just try our vegan protein drinks out! One drink contains 26g protein per serving and 19 important vitamins, nutrients & trace elements. The perfect support to cover your protein requirements.

  • CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are a source of energy of our body. They provide glucose, which is needed for brain function and physical activity. You can get complex carbohydrates from wholegrain products, fruit and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates from white flour products or sugar should be avoided as far as possible.

  • Good fatsGood fats are important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and support the heart health. High-quality sources of omega 3 fatty acids are olive oil, avocados, nuts and sesame seeds. Vegetable oils contain higher amounts of pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids and should be avoided, as should trans fats from fried foods.

  • Dietary fiberFiber : Fiber supports the digestion and keep the blood sugar level stable. They are found in wholegrain products, fruit, vegetables, pulses and nuts.

  • Vitamins and mineralsVitamins and minerals play an important role in the prevention of diseases and the maintenance of a healthy strong health. They are found in a variety of foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, sesame seeds and wholegrain products. To support you in this, you can also use our Immune Cure try it out!

Healthy food = healthy nutrition

To achieve a healthy diet, it is important that you eat a variety of healthy foods consume. Because a varied and balanced diet helps to provide all the necessary nutrients absorption.

Avoiding sugar

It is also important that you avoid sugary drinks and sweets as much as possible. For an idea of a healthy alternative, take a look at our blog post Low sugar chocolate pralines here.

Drink enough

A healthy diet naturally includes not only the solid foods we eat, but also the liquids we drink. Avoiding sugary drinks and alcohol is very important. Equally important is the Drinking enough water

Eating habits/plan

In addition, it is important to healthy eating habits adapted to you to develop. It is best to eat slowly and pay attention to your feeling of satiety. This is the best way to avoid overeating and only eat when you are really hungry. For a change in diet, take a look at our blog post. (Link blog post Mindfulness)

Healthy eating means doing without?

No, that's not exactly what it means. It only means certain foods to enjoy in moderation.


A healthy diet includes not only our consumption of food but also the with our body in general. Build up regular physical activities into your daily routine to promote your health and maintain a healthy body weight. For example, how about walking for half an hour during your lunch break? jogging for half an hour? Or for 20 minutes in the morning yoga routine in the morning?

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It supports the physical and mental health and can help reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. By having a healthy, balanced diet, we can have a have a positive impact on our health and feel good all round.

Frequently asked questions about healthy eating:

What does a healthy diet include?

A varied diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, wholegrain products, healthy fats and plenty of water.

What are the 10 healthiest foods?

 The 10 healthiest foods cannot be defined in general terms. However, the following foods - kale, broccoli, dried tomatoes, apples, linseed, green tea, blueberries, oily fish, walnuts and pulses - are already very good for you.

What is a healthy breakfast?

With a healthy breakfast the same rules apply as for a healthy diet in general. It should be varied and balanced. But above all, you should focus on whole grain products, fruit, vegetables, nuts and dairy products for a good breakfast. LiveFresh also offers you the perfect breakfast for this. Have you ever tried one of our low carb high protein porridges? Then it's about time!



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Abnehmen in der Schwangerschaft


Losing weight during pregnancy

You are facing an exciting time in your life - the pregnancy. It's a time full of changes, both physically and emotionally. The question of how to deal with your weight should deal withmay be buzzing around in your head. You may be wondering whether it is safe or even advisable to lose weight during pregnancy. This question is completely understandable and important for your health and the well-being of your child.

In this article, we will explore the topic of losing weight during pregnancy together. We will look at the health aspects aspects of pregnancy, the reasons for weight gain, the possible risks of losing weight and the best approaches to losing weight. healthy weight management during this special time. You'll learn when it might be appropriate to lose weight and how to make sure you and your baby are well looked after.

We will also look at alternative approaches to weight controlwill be discussed. By the end of this journey, you will hopefully be better informed and able to make informed decisions that will benefit your wellbeing and that of your child.

Let's dive into this important topic together and find out how you can get the best possible support and care during your pregnancy.

Health aspects of pregnancy

Changes in the body during pregnancy

During your pregnancy you will experience amazing transformation of your body. Your body adapts to make room for the growing baby and provide it with optimal care. Some of these changes may be obvious, others less so.

  • Your belly will gradually get bigger as the uterus expands to make room for the baby.
  • Your breasts will become more sensitive and larger as they prepare for breastfeeding.
  • Your blood volume increases to supply the baby and placenta, which can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
  • You may notice water retention in your hands and feet, which is due to hormonal changes.
  • Your skin might change, which can lead to pigmentation changes or even rashes.
  • You produce hormones such as progesterone and relaxin, which can loosen the ligaments and joints to make room for the growing baby.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and necessary to ensure that your baby is adequately nourished. In the first few months, the weight gain be minimal, but it will increase as the pregnancy progresses. It is important to note that the recommended weight gain depends on your initial weight may vary. Your doctor will give you precise guidelines.

  • Weight gain in the first trimester may be low due to nausea and vomiting.
  • In the second and third trimester, weight gain usually increases as the baby grows faster.
  • A balanced diet and exercise are important to promote healthy weight gain.

Nutrition and nutrient requirements during pregnancy

During pregnancy you need additional nutrientsto support the baby's growth. A balanced diet is crucial to ensure that you and your baby get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

  • You need more folic acid, iron, calcium and other nutrients.
  • A variety of meals with fruit, vegetables, sufficient protein and healthy fats is advisable.
  • You should avoid raw meat, fish with a high mercury content and unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.

The LiveFresh protein drink contains many important vitamins and minerals and provides you with an optimal supply of protein. Your gynaecologist or midwife can give you recommendations on your individual vitamin and mineral requirements.

Remember that it is important to eat healthily during pregnancy to ensure both your own wellbeing and that of your baby.

You can find a quick and healthy meal at the LiveFresh vegan bowls. In less than 9 minutes you have a wholesome meal that provides you with optimum nutrition.

Losing weight during pregnancy: risks and side effects

The Losing weight during pregnancy is generally not recommendedas it carries potential risks. During this time, the focus should be on protecting both your and your baby's wellbeing. Losing weight can be problematic for the following reasons:

  • You need extra energyto support your baby's growth and development. If you lose weight important nutrients missing.
  • Diets and excessive calorie restriction can lead to malnutrition which can increase the risk of developmental problems in the baby.
  • Extreme weight loss can increase the disturb the hormone balance and affect menstrual cycles, which can reduce the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Underweight or malnutrition in the mother can reduce the risk of premature birth and a low birth weight for the baby.
  • Your body may try to obtain energy from stored fat reserves, which can lead to release of toxins which are normally stored in fatty tissue.
  • Mothers who lose weight during pregnancy could more susceptible to infections and other health problems.

If being overweight could affect the birth and your health, your gynecologist will point this out to you in good time during routine examinations and give you appropriate recommendations. Otherwise, you can take care of losing weight after your pregnancy and slowly return to your original figure. You can find more information on losing weight after pregnancy here.

Reasons for weight gain during pregnancy

Physiological reasons

During pregnancy, there are a number of physiological reasons why weight gain is unavoidable:

  • Increase in uterine sizeYour uterus grows to make room for the growing baby. This alone contributes to increased weight.
  • Placenta growthThe placenta, which supplies your baby with nutrients and oxygen, also grows and contributes to the extra weight.
  • Amniotic fluidThe amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby increases during pregnancy. This has an effect on your weight.
  • Fluid retention: During pregnancy, the body retains more fluid, which can lead to water retention.

Changes in metabolism

Your metabolism changes during pregnancy, which affects your weight gain:

  1. Hormonal changesHormones such as progesterone and oestrogen increase and influence your metabolism. This can lead to you storing calories more efficiently.
  2. Higher energy consumptionThe growing fetus, the placenta and the increased blood volume require more energy, which leads to increased calorie consumption.

Eating habits

Pregnancy also affects your eating habits, which can have an impact on your weight:

  1. CravingsMany women experience cravings for certain foods during pregnancy. This can lead to increased calorie consumption.
  2. Nausea and vomiting: In the early stages of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting can cause you to eat less. Later on, however, your appetite may increase.
  3. Slower digestionPregnancy hormones can slow down digestion, which can lead to digestive problems and bloating.

It is important to understand that weight gain during pregnancy is normal and is there to ensure that you and your baby are adequately nourished. Your doctor or midwife will monitor your weight gain during pregnancy and make sure it is within a healthy range. The right foods and exercise are key aspects of making sure you and your baby are well looked after during this important time.

Healthy weight management during pregnancy

Recommended weight gain during pregnancy

The recommended weight gain during pregnancy can vary depending on your initial weight. Generally, weight gain is divided into three categories: underweight, normal weight and overweight. Here are general guidelines:

  • Underweight womenIf you were underweight before pregnancy, it is recommended that you gain between 12.5 and 18 kg.
  • Normal weight womenWomen of normal weight should generally gain between 11.5 and 16 kg.
  • Overweight womenOverweight women should gain about 7 to 11.5 kg during pregnancy.

It is important to note that individual differences and medical factors may play a role. Your doctor or midwife will give you precise recommendations based on your medical condition.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Balanced meals are crucial to ensure that you and your baby get the nutrients you need:

  • Folic acidThis B vitamin is important for the development of the neural tube and should be taken before pregnancy.
  • IronIron deficiency anemia is common during pregnancy. Eat iron-rich foods such as red meat, legumes and green leafy vegetables.
  • CalciumCalcium is important for the development of the baby's bones and teeth. Dairy products and green vegetables are good sources.
  • ProteinProteins are building blocks for tissues and muscles. Meat, fish, eggs and pulses are protein-rich foods.
  • FiberFiber-rich foods help with digestive problems. Fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products should be included in your diet.

Exercise and sport during pregnancy

Regular physical activity can be of great benefit during pregnancy:

  • Suitable activitiesWalking, swimming, yoga and pregnancy exercises are often safe options. However, consult your gynecologist before starting a new exercise program.
  • PrecautionsAvoid sports with a high risk of injury or physical strain. Adapt your training to your individual needs.
  • Take a breathBreathe deeply and regularly during training and avoid overexerting yourself.

Alternative approaches to losing weight during pregnancy

Emphasize well-being and health instead of weight loss

During pregnancy, focusing on weight loss can be counterproductive. Instead, the main focus should be on well-being and health:

  • Accepting your bodyAccept the changes you are going through during pregnancy and recognize that these changes are normal and necessary.
  • Self-careFocus on self-care and self-love. Listen to your body and respond to its needs.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Strive for a healthy lifestyle that promotes both physical and mental health.

Practical tips for a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy can help improve your well-being without aiming for weight loss:

  • A balanced dietEat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, wholegrain products, lean protein and healthy fats.
  • Portion controlWatch portion sizes and eat when you are hungry. Avoid overeating.
  • HydrationDrink enough water to keep your body hydrated.
  • Exercise: Engage in regular, safe physical activity that suits your fitness level. Walking, swimming and special pregnancy exercises are good options.
  • Stress managementFind ways to reduce stress, such as meditation, yoga or autogenic training.

Support through professional counseling and therapy

It's important to know that you don't have to be alone if you are experiencing challenges during pregnancy:

  • Psychological supportIf you are experiencing emotional or psychological stress, seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in pregnancy issues.
  • Nutritional counselingConsult a nutritionist to receive individualized nutritional recommendations and promote healthy eating habits.
  • Group supportConsider joining groups for pregnant women or moms where you can share experiences and find support.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and there is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Emphasizing wellness, taking care of your health and seeking professional support when needed are key components to a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Frequently asked questions about losing weight during pregnancy:

Is it safe to lose weight during pregnancy?

As a rule, losing weight during pregnancy is not recommended unless there are medical reasons or you are very overweight. It is important to discuss this with your doctor.

How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?

The recommended weight gain depends on your initial weight. Your gynecologist will give you individual recommendations, but in general the gain is between 11.5 and 18 kg for normal pregnancies.

What are the risks of losing weight during pregnancy?

Losing weight during pregnancy can lead to malnutrition, which can increase the risk of developmental problems in the baby. It can also cause hormonal changes and stress.

How can I promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy?

A balanced diet, regular exercise and regular medical care are crucial to support healthy weight gain.

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

Yes, in most cases exercise during pregnancy is safe and promotes good health. However, it is important to discuss this with your doctor and choose safe exercises.

What can I do if I have cravings for certain foods during pregnancy?

You can try to choose healthier alternatives and eat in moderation. Consult your doctor or nutritionist for further advice.

How can I manage stress during pregnancy?

Stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, meditation and talking to a psychologist can help to reduce stress.

Are there any special dietary requirements during pregnancy?

Yes, you need additional nutrients such as folic acid, iron and calcium. A balanced diet is crucial.

Can I diet during pregnancy?

Diets with calorie restriction are not usually advisable. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are more important.

Where can I find support and advice during my pregnancy?

You can turn to your doctor, midwife, nutritionist and mental health professionals for support and advice. There are also pregnancy groups and resources online.


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Im Gesicht abnehmen: Mit diesen Tipps zu einem schmalen Gesicht


Lose weight in the face: With these tips to a narrow face

A narrow face is often considered attractive. Many people would like to lose weight in the facein order to achieve a slimmer face shape to achieve. Although it is not possible to lose weight specifically in certain areas, there are still some tips and tricksthat can help to make the face look visually slimmer.

In this blog post we will present various approaches and exercises that can help to slim the tighten the face and define the facial contours.. Learn how you can use a combination of healthy diet, facial exercises and other practical tips you can achieve a narrow face.

The best tips to lose fat on the face

When it comes to, lose fat on the face, many are looking for the one true method to achieve a slimmer and more defined facial shape. However, it is not quite that simple. Rather, a well thought out combination of methods is necessaryto lose fat from the face.

We have effective tips and techniques for you to reduce fat on the face and to improve the to emphasize the facial contours. From a healthy diet to facial exercises - discover proven strategiesto tone your face and achieve an attractive facial shape.

Drink enough water

Drinking enough water is not only for general health but can also help you reduce fat on your face. This is because water has been proven to help you lose weight. When you drink more, you have automatically feel less hungry and often eat smaller portions.

Here you can find more information on the topic: How much water a day?

Integrate more exercise & sport into everyday life

Regular physical activity can help not only with Lose weight in general, but also help to lose weight in the face. Exercise stimulates the metabolism and increases the face can appear firmer and more defined. Regular exercise and sports burn calories. Cardio exercises such as running, cycling or swimming can help reduce fat throughout the body, including the face.

Try something every day Exercise in the fresh air and, for example, take the stairs more often instead of the elevator. Often it is the little things in everyday lifethat can make a big difference.

Here you can find more information about the topic: Integrate sports into everyday life

Exercises for the face

Special facial exercises for cheeks, chin and forehead as well as Massages with facial rollers or jade rollers can improve the Strengthen and tighten facial muscles. These exercises can help sculpt the face and achieve a slimmer facial shape.

Here are a few of the most effective facial exercises:

  • Kiss mouth: Puff your cheeks and form a kissing mouth. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise several times.
  • Fish face: Pull in the cheeks so that the lips form an "O". Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax the face. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Lion facial expressionOpen the mouth wide and pull out the tongue. Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax the face. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Chin liftPlace the palms of your hands on your chin and press lightly. Lift the chin upwards while pushing against the resistance of the hands. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise several times.
  • Forehead pressPlace the palms of your hands on your forehead and press lightly. Try to press the forehead down against the resistance of the hands. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise several times.

These facial exercises can help to Strengthen facial muscles, improve circulation and tighten the appearance of the face.. Doing them regularly is crucial to achieve the best results.

Sufficient sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for your health, but it's also for weight regulation and the appearance of the face. During sleep, the body recovers. Sufficient rest can contribute to this, reduce swelling and water retention in the face.

Avoid alcohol

The consumption of alcohol can lead to Fluid retention in the face and make the face look bloated. To reduce fat on the face, it is therefore advisable to reduce the Reduce alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether.

Balanced diet & dehydrate body

A diet rich in salt and sugar can lead to Water retention in the face lead. By reducing the consumption of salty foods and sugary drinks, you can dehydrate the body. This can help to lose weight in the face.

In general, for losing weight on the face, we recommend to use a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Do you not have the time in the often hectic everyday life to deal comprehensively with your diet? Then you can also rely on the Food cure from LiveFresh to fall back on. This contains all the dishes that you need throughout the day. 100% natural, vegan and free from artificial ingredients. So you succeed in losing weight without hunger.

Lose weight in the face: Before - After

More and more people are interested in losing weight in the face in order to have a slimmer and more defined appearance achieve. Before and after pictures can play a motivating role in illustrating the progress being made and documenting the great results and experiences.

However, it is important to note that the Losing weight in the face is an individual matter and depends on various factors such as genetics, body composition and lifestyle. Nevertheless, there are approaches and techniques that can help to lose the tighten the face and reduce fat on the face.

Have patience and set realistic goalsbecause changes in the face take time. With homemade before and after pictures you can document your own progress to see how your face changes over time.

Be aware that individual genetics play a role, and that every body reacts differently to weight loss efforts. A healthy and realistic approach is always the best choice to achieve long-term results and promote well-being.


Frequently asked questions about losing weight in the face:

Is it possible to lose weight in the face?

Yes, it is possible to lose weight in the face. When someone loses weight, it can also be noticeable in the face, as fatty tissue is reduced throughout the body including the face. However, it is important to note that the way fat is distributed in the body depends on various factors such as Genetics and physique depends. Some people tend to have more fat in the facial areawhile others are more likely to gain or lose weight in other areas of the body.

How to lose weight in the face?

Through a healthy diet, regular exercise and targeted facial exercises you can help to lose weight in your face. face look slimmer and more defined defined.

However, it is important, realistic expectations and to prepare for a focus on holistic weight loss, rather than targeting the face exclusively. A healthy lifestyle can help you lose weight overall, which can also have a positive impact on the appearance of the face. It is also crucial to To have patienceas changes in the face take time and can vary from individual to individual.

Does chewing gum help lose weight on the face?

It is often said that Chewing gum helps lose weight in the face because the jaw muscles are strengthened by chewing. The idea behind this is that by exercising the facial muscles a Tightening and reduction of the fatty tissue in the face can be achieved.

While chewing gum will certainly reduce the facial muscles activated, it is unlikely that this alone will lead to significant changes. Losing weight in the face usually requires a holistic approach, which includes a healthy diet, regular physical activity and possibly specific facial exercises. The combination of these measures can help to reduce the Face tighten and fat in the facial area reduce. Weight loss in the face usually goes hand in hand with the general weight loss in the body.

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Yoga Figuren


Yoga figures

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and aims to bring body, mind and soul into harmony. The yoga practice consists of various elements, including breathing exercises, meditation and yoga figures. The practice of yoga has many positive effects on general wellbeing and is seen by many people as a way to reduce stress, strengthen the body and calm the mind. In this article, we will take a closer look at the various yoga figures, also known as asanas, and their health benefits effect explain.

The effect of yoga

The positive effects of yoga on general well-being are now well documented. In the following, we will take a closer look at the effects of yoga.

  • Stress reduction: The best-known effect of yoga is stress reduction. The combination of various breathing exercises, meditation and yoga poses calms the mind and promotes relaxation. Through regular yoga exercises, you can learn to control your own stress response, making it easier to cope with everyday stress.
  • Improved flexibility: Asanas serve to open up the body and promote flexibility. Regular exercises can make the muscles and joints more flexible, which improves mobility.
  • Physical strengthening: Various yoga poses require enormous physical strength. With the help of various yoga exercises, physical strength, posture and endurance can be improved.
  • Improved concentration: Yoga and meditation promote concentration on the breath and the execution of the exercises. This increases the ability to concentrate on a task.

On our blog you will not only find delicious recipes for a balanced diet, but also informative articles on the subject of health. In addition to the yoga figures, you may also be interested in the articles on positive affirmations or meditation interest.

The 4 most important yoga figures for beginners

Asanas, also known as yoga poses, are an important part of yoga. Asanas are physical exercises designed to strengthen, stretch and make the body more flexible. There are hundreds of different asanas, all of which offer different benefits. However, if you're new to the yoga world, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we'll introduce you to the 5 most important yoga poses for beginners that you should know. 

  1. The mountain pose (Tadasana): Mountain pose is a basic standing exercise that will help you improve your posture and stretch your back. To perform this pose, stand in an upright position with your feet parallel to each other. Inhale deeply and raise your arms above your head as you exhale, then lower your arms again.
  2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Downward facing dog is one of the most well-known yoga poses and helps to stretch the shoulders and straighten the back. Start on all fours on the floor and then push your hands forward and hips back to create an inverted V-shape.
  3. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): The warrior is a dynamic exercise that will help you build strength and endurance. Start in a standing position and then take a big step forward with one leg. Bend the front leg at a right angle and straighten the back leg. The arms are stretched, with one hand pointing forwards and the other backwards. The hips are open at the sides and the gaze goes over the front hand.
  4. Cobra (Bhujangasana): The cobra is a yoga exercise that stretches the back and improves the flexibility of the spine. Start on your stomach and place your hands under your shoulders. Use the strength of your back to lift your upper body upwards while your head remains in line with your spine. Your sternum pushes forward and upwards and your pelvis and the back of your feet remain firmly on the floor.

These are just some of the basic yoga poses and exercises for beginners. There are many more that you will learn in the course of your yoga practice. When you start yoga, you should always make sure that you perform the asanas slowly and mindfully and do not feel any pain. Over time, you will become stronger and more flexible and yoga practice will become an important part of your life.

In our blog post Yoga for beginners you will find useful tips & tricks, basic information and exercises that you can easily do at home.

Frequently asked questions about yoga figures:

Do I have to be flexible to do yoga?

Yoga is a form of exercise that is considered by many to be a method of improve flexibility flexibility. It is therefore not unusual for many people to wonder whether they need to be flexible in order to do yoga. However, the answer to this question is not quite so simple.

First of all, it is important to understand that yoga is much more than just a physical exercise. Yoga is a holistic practice that connects body, mind and spirit. Although flexibility is an advantage in many yoga poses, it is not the only prerequisite for practicing yoga. Yoga is a practice that is accessible to people of all ages and physical conditions. So if you are not particularly flexible, don't worry. There are many ways to adapt yoga to suit you and your fitness level.

It's important to remember that flexibility is a process that takes time and patience. Even if you are not as flexible as you would like to be today, yoga can help improve your flexibility over time. Yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation can help you improve your posture, stretch your muscles and heighten your awareness.

How long does it take to see progress?

Yoga is a practice that offers many benefits for the body and mind. It can help to reduce stress, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and improve overall wellbeing. However, many people who start yoga wonder how long it will take to see progress.

It is important to understand that yoga is a practice that requires time and patience. How long it takes for you to see progress depends on various factors, such as your fitness level, your age and your commitment to the practice. If you practice yoga regularly, you can usually notice changes in your body and mind within a few weeks or months. Here are some of the changes you may notice.

  • Improved flexibility: If you practice yoga and asana regularly, you will probably notice that you gradually become more flexible. Your muscles will be stretched and strengthened, which can lead to you being able to bend or stretch deeper in certain poses.
  • Stronger muscles: Many yoga poses require strength and endurance, especially those that focus on posture. If you practice yoga regularly, you are likely to develop stronger and more defined muscles.
  • Improved posture: Yoga can help improve your posture by helping you focus on your breathing and alignment. If you practice yoga regularly, you are likely to develop a more upright and confident posture.
  • Improved breath control: Yoga also includes breathing exercises that can help increase your lung capacity and improve your breath control. If you practise yoga regularly, you will probably find that you can breathe more deeply and freely.

However, it is important to note that the progress you make in your yoga practice is not always visible. You may notice changes in your mind and emotions before you notice physical changes. Yoga can help to reduce stress, improve your mental clarity and make you more emotionally balanced.

Can you lose weight with yoga?

Although yoga is not an endurance sport like running or swimming, it can still be an effective way to lose weight if done correctly. The key to losing weight with yoga is to develop a practice that focuses on physical activity, healthy eating and relaxation.

Yoga can help tone the body and build muscle. Many yoga poses, such as Downward-Facing Dog or Warrior, require strength and endurance and can therefore help to burn calories and build muscle. A regular practice of yoga can help to increase metabolic rate and improve digestion, which in turn can help to lose weight.

Another benefit of yoga for weight loss is that it can help relieve stress and reduce emotional eating. Many people turn to unhealthy foods when stressed and emotionally distressed, which often leads to weight gain. Yoga can help reduce stress and regulate emotions, which can help reduce unhealthy eating habits.

However, it is important to note that yoga alone may not be enough to achieve significant weight loss. A healthy diet and physical activity are also crucial to weight loss success. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and low in foods high in sugar and fat can help reduce calories and provide you with the necessary nutrients to support healthy weight loss.

In summary, yoga can be a great addition to a healthy diet and physical activity to help with weight loss. A regular yoga practice can help burn calories, build muscle, reduce stress and improve digestion. However, yoga should not be seen as the sole means of weight loss, but as part of a holistic approach to improving physical and mental health.

If you don't have time to cook healthy, nutritious and low-calorie meals, then it's time for our food cleanse. You'll be provided with delicious and healthy meals from breakfast to dinner - making losing weight child's play.

What do I need to practise yoga?

Yoga is a practice that requires no special prerequisites. To practise yoga, you only need a few things, which are generally easy and inexpensive to obtain.

  • Yoga mat: A yoga mat is the foundation for most yoga exercises. It ensures that you practise on a non-slip surface and prevents injuries caused by slipping or sliding. There are many different types of yoga mats on the market, available in different sizes and materials. A good yoga mat should be non-slip, durable and comfortable.
  • Comfortable clothing: When practicing yoga, it is important to wear comfortable clothing that allows freedom of movement.
  • Yoga blocks and straps: Yoga blocks and straps can help to achieve the correct alignment in a particular pose and can help to increase or decrease the intensity of the exercise. They are particularly useful for beginners who are not yet as flexible or for advanced asanas.
  • Instructions: It is best to look for an on-site class or a yoga class that takes place online to receive optimal guidance.
  • Relaxation area: It is important to have a quiet place where you can practice yoga. A place where you feel comfortable and free from distractions, such as noise or other disturbances.

To summarize, yoga is a practice that does not require any special prerequisites. However, some basic equipment such as a yoga mat and comfortable clothing, yoga blocks and straps can help you to be comfortable and safe during your practice.

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Hula Hoop abnehmen


Hula Hoop slimming

Many know it from their childhood. You grab a Hula Hoop and swing it around your waist with a lot of fun and verve. What you probably didn't know back then: The Hula Hoop is a effective piece of sports equipmentto burn calories in a fast and entertaining way. In this article you will learn everything important about the subject of lose weight with the Hula Hoop In this article you will learn everything you need to know about losing weight with the hula hoop, which muscle groups are used, what benefits the training offers you and simple tips & tricks to get started with the hula hoop.

Advantages of Hula Hoop Training

Especially during the Corona pandemic, the hula hoop has made a big comeback. Thousands of people have followed the trend and some have achieved great success with it. Whether the purchase of a hula hoop is really worth it for you and what benefits you can expect with it, you can find out here:

  • Burn caloriesDepending on various factors, including training intensity and duration, the calorie consumption differs. Depending on the hula hoop workout intensity, even up to 900kcal can be burned within one hour. Training with a hula hoop is therefore an effective sports method, which can support weight loss.

  • Improve overall healthAerobic activity strengthens the cardiovascular system and increases blood flow. This is because the prolonged movements during exercise increase the heart rate, which stimulates the circulation. This helps lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Fun: Burning calories and having fun at the same time, is that even possible? A hula hoop workout burns a similar amount of calories as jogging, but is significantly more fun! Burning the last meal together with friends or next to your favorite TV show, it can be as easy as that. The fun activity also helps you reduce stress and increase your overall well-being.

  • More endurance: It's not just calories that can be burned with this trendy fitness tool. By circling the hoop around your waist with momentum and vigor, you'll improve your overall physical endurance and fitness. Start with several minutes at a time without dropping the hoop. By continuously increasing, you should then be able to swing the hoop for about 30 to 90 minutes at a time in a few weeks.

  • Tight skinDuring the execution, especially your abdomen and the muscles in your lower back are trained. The constant movements will strengthen your core, define your abdominal muscles and tighten your skin.

  • Improved posture: In order to balance the hula hoop on your waist for extended periods of time and perform the movements, you need to have an upright posture. Your body is forced to stand upright while you distribute the weight evenly on both legs. Regular hula hoop fitness will straighten your spine and strengthen the muscles in your back and neck.

Training tips for beginners

All you need to get started is a hula hoop and you're ready to go. For an effective workout that helps you lose weight, we show you the important tips for the correct basic posture.

  1. Place your legs shoulder-width apart and ensure a secure stance with slightly bent knees.

  2. By tilting your pelvis slightly forward, you avoid a hollow back and strengthen your pelvic floor.

  3. During the entire workout you should tense your abdomen and keep a straight posture.

As you already know, the sport of hula hooping is a fun and effective way to get fit and tone your body. However, if you're new to this sport, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are our tips & tricks for beginners:

  1. The right hula hoop: For an effective and enjoyable workout, it's important to choose the right hula hoop. When the hula hoop is placed on the floor, it should reach about the waist and be made of comfortable material such as synthetic or foam. Beginners should start with a "normal" hula hoop and avoid hoops with weights or knobs

  2. Warm-up: Before the workout, it is important to warm up your muscles to avoid injury. You should perform simple stretching exercises for a few minutes to prepare for the sport session.

  3. Start slowly: Especially as a beginner, you should start slowly with simple movements. Slowly increase the amount of time the hula hoop spins around your waist.

  4. Pay attention to your posture: Make sure you maintain the correct basic posture. The movement should come from the core of your body and not from your arms or legs. This is the only way to effectively train your abdomen and improve your overall fitness.

  5. Motivate yourself with music: Fast and energetic music can help you last longer and make your workout effective. The songs you choose should motivate you and keep you moving.

  6. Set realistic goals: Especially as a beginner, don't overdo it with your workout and pay attention to your body's signals. Take breaks, set realistic goals and gradually increase your training. For example, you can set a goal to increase the duration by 1-2 minutes every week.

On our blog you will find more informative articles about nutrition and health. We give you Tips & Tricks for your weight loss success and show you how to effectively and sustainably reduce your reduce body fat and that also completely without sport. You will also find on our blog healthy and delicious recipe, which make a balanced diet a breeze.

Frequently asked questions about hula hoop:

How fast can you lose weight with Hula Hoop?

The speed at which you can lose weight with a hula hoop workout depends on several factors, such as individual body weight, diet and frequency of exercise.

Hula Hoop is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. With one hour of intensive training you can burn up to 500kcal. It is important to know that weight loss is not a fast process and requires patience and perseverance. It is also important that you adjust your diet to support weight loss.

You don't have time or don't feel like making a diet plan, picking out recipes and constantly going to the supermarket? In the stressful everyday life, a balanced and healthy diet often gets lost. The Food cure helps you to prioritize your nutrition without stress. The weight loss cure provides you from Breakfast to the Dinner with delicious, vegan, low carb and high protein dishes, which are prepared in just a few minutes. Meanwhile, you will be fully guided and supported by us with recipes for the preparation and follow-up, as well as fitness and yoga sessions.

What are the disadvantages of Hula Hoop?

Besides the various advantages that the Hula Hoop sport offers, there are also some possible disadvantages that should be taken into account.

  • Bruises and bruisesEspecially at the beginning, it often happens that bruises and bruises appear on the hips and abdomen due to the unaccustomed load. It is best to look for a tire with little weight and without knobs.

  • Back pain: The hip swaying required in hula hoop hulling is an unaccustomed movement, especially for the lower back. This often leads to back discomfort as these muscles are usually untrained. Take the workout slowly and take regular breaks.

Although hula hooping can have potential drawbacks, these can be minimized with careful planning, proper preparation and adjustment of exercises. It is important to start hula hoop exercises gradually, learn proper technique, and listen to your body to avoid injury.

Which Hula Hoop is the best?

Padded, with knobs or even with weight? Even when choosing the right hoop, you need to pay attention to many different factors such as individual fitness, body type and personal preferences. Here are the most important factors that you should consider before buying:

  • Size: The size of the hula hoop depends on your height and weight. For beginners and untrained people, a larger hoop is recommended because it is easier to handle.

  • Material: Hula hoops are available in different materials such as plastic, wood and metal. Plastic hoops are most popular and affordable, while wooden hoops can offer better durability and weight. Metal hoops are more suitable for advanced and competitive athletes.

  • Weight: A heavier hula hoop is easier to control, but also requires more strength and effort. Lighter hoops require less effort, but are more difficult to control. The choice of weight depends on individual strength and fitness level.

  • Structure: Some hula hoops have a smooth surface, while others have knobs or grooves. Dimpled hoops provide more grip and can help control the hoop better, while smooth hoops rotate faster and may be better for faster workouts.

  • Transportation: Some hula hoops are easy to fold and transport, while others are one piece and more difficult to transport. For people who travel a lot or have limited space, a foldable hula hoop may be the best choice.

Ultimately, choosing the best hula hoop depends on individual needs and preferences. It is important to try different options and choose the hoop that best fits your needs.

What are the best exercises to lose weight with hula hoop?

With hooping, different exercises can be implemented to intensify the workout or make it more exciting. Here are our favorite exercises that are guaranteed to make you sweat and help you lose weight:

  • Vary speed: Every now and then, change the tempo in which you swing the hula hoop sometimes faster and sometimes slower.

  • Change direction: Most of the time, you always turn the hula hoop in a certain direction. For a new challenge, try the other direction next time.

  • Move arms: To really work up a sweat, you can alternate between stretching your arms vertically upward and bending your head in the opposite direction at the same time in the 5 Minute Tackt. This way you not only train your sense of balance, but also your abdomen. To train your arm muscles as well, you can also stretch your arms out to the side and perform circular movements while exercising with the hula hoop.

What muscles are trained in the hula hoop?

Training with a hula hoop not only helps you lose weight, but can also alleviate complaints such as pelvic floor pain or back pain. The following muscles are trained:

  • The straight and oblique abdominal muscles

  • The lower back muscles

  • The pelvic floor

  • Upper and lower leg

  • The buttocks

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Lose weight without exercise: it works with these tips

A healthy diet in combination with sport often accelerates weight loss. But you can also lose weight without sweaty sports and excessive exercise in the gym! We'll tell you how to do this in the following tips.

Can you lose weight without exercise?

Sport burns a lot of calories - perfect for losing weight. Muscles are built up and the body is toned. But you can also lose weight without excessive exercise. You should bear the following in mind:

  • A healthy diet with low-calorie foods: If you want to lose weight without having to burn calories while exercising, you need to focus on the right diet with few calories.
  • A conscious lifestyle with sufficient sleep and little stressToo little sleep can increase insulin levels, which in turn can lead to weight gain. Tired and exhausted people also tend to eat more, as the feeling of fullness can be impaired. If you want to avoid exercise and still lose weight, you should also Keep stress levels lowbecause the cortisol produced under stress inhibits the breakdown of fat.
  • Integrate exercise into everyday life: A life without exercise is not healthy. However, it doesn't have to be hours of training in the gym. Exercise can be integrated into everyday life relatively easily. Even small amounts of exercise can support the cardiovascular system, get the metabolism going and stimulate calorie consumption.

LiveFresh food cleanse As a solution for long-term weight loss

So if you don't fancy sweat-inducing sport, you need to change your diet. However, you should stay away from quick crash diets. Although these often promise rapid weight loss, the so-called yo-yo effect ensures that the weight is quickly back on after the diet.

With the LiveFresh food cleanse with appropriate preparation and follow-up however, the permanent change in diet in the foreground. Choose between the 7, 14 or 21 day food cleanse - entirely at your discretion. The included guide prepares you ideally for the cure and provides you with tasty recipes and important information. tips for before, during and after the food cleanse at your disposal. In contrast to other diets, with LiveFresh completely guided through the cure and receive a all-round carefree package for maximum success.

The LiveFresh food cleanse includes varied vegan mealsjuices, vegan snacks and protein shakes and thus allows you to ideal introduction to a more conscious and healthier diet. The daily plan accompanies you throughout the day and you don't have to worry about shopping or cooking. The fixed planned meals ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. High in protein, low in calories, vegan, sustainable and climate-neutral - that's what makes the LiveFresh food cleanse what makes the

And even after the cure you are not left alone. The comprehensive guide also gives you valuable tips for a sustainable, balanced and conscious lifestyle. The ultimate goal: sustainable weight loss without the yo-yo effect.

Tips for a permanently healthy diet in everyday life

Here you will find an excerpt of our best tips for your permanent change in diet:

  • Low-calorie dishes with a high protein content choose. It is best to choose low-calorie fruit such as raspberries, strawberries or blueberries, vegetables, lean meat, tofu, fish and pulses.
  • Make a conscious plan three main meals a day You should avoid snacks between meals as much as possible. If you do get hungry in between, you can eat healthy snacks such as nuts or vegetable sticks with hummus or guacamole and olives.
  • Try, simple avoid simple carbohydrates as much as possible - These include white flour products, cakes and sweets.
  • Try to eat as often as possible with fresh, unprocessed foods cook yourself.
  • Look for high-quality, natural ingredients from plenty of fresh vegetables, proteins and oils. It is best to use healthy fats such as olive oil, linseed oil, algae oil or coconut oil for frying. They contain essential fatty acids that are needed for many processes in your body.
  • You should avoid light products. They often contain less fat but more sugar.
  • Drink enough water is extremely important. It's best to always have a glass of water next to you so that you don't confuse thirst with hunger. Of course, you should avoid sodas and other sweetened drinks.
  • Who Eat slowly and chew thoroughlycan perceive their own feeling of fullness earlier and better.
  • Last but not least: Small sins are allowed - in small quantities, of course.

How you can best replace carbohydrate-containing foods

If you want to lose weight without exercise, you should Replace carbohydrates in your diet with alternatives. Here are our tips for a low carb diet:

  • Instead of rice, you can process cauliflower into rice in a blender and fry in a pan with a little fat until soft.
  • Instead of pasta, you can make zoodles from zucchinis using a spiral cutter.
  • Instead of bread, you can eat low carb bread based on seeds, kernels and nut flours.
  • Instead of pastries and sweets, you should choose healthy alternatives based on nut flour and erythritol.

Tips for more exercise in everyday life

Even if you don't feel like doing strenuous exercise, you should integrate a little exercise into your everyday life. Even small changes can make a big difference.

  • Walk short distances more often or take the bike.
  • Instead of taking the escalator, simply take the stairs.
  • Use your lunch break for a walk.
  • Incorporate simple fitness exercises when cleaning.


Frequently asked questions about losing weight without exercise:

How can you lose weight without exercise?

If you want to lose weight, you don't necessarily have to exercise regularly. You can also with a low-calorie diet, a healthy lifestyle, sufficient sleep and some exercise in everyday life lose weight.

Can you lose weight quickly without exercise?

Basically you can lose weight quickly without exercise. With a fast diet, you can lose several kilos in just a few days. However, the success of such fasting programs is usually short-lived. If you return to your old eating habits, your weight will quickly return to its original level. It is therefore better to to lose weight more slowly but in a more targeted way and to force a general change in dietto achieve long-term success.

What role does protein play in losing weight without exercise?

When dieting, the body first breaks down protein reserves. This means that if you don't exercise, your muscles will break down. To prevent this from happening, you should eat protein-rich foods such as dairy products, meat, fish, tofu and pulses. However, people often misjudge portion sizes and eat too little protein. You need around 1g protein per kilogram of body weight.

Our tip: It's best to weigh your favorite protein source to see how much a portion would be. The choice of protein-rich foods is numerousLegumes, plant-based meat alternatives, dairy products, meat, fish, etc.

What stimulates the metabolism?

The following factors stimulate the metabolism and thus help you lose weight:

  • Drink a lotYou should drink at least 2.5 - 3 liters of water or unsweetened tea every day.
  • Plenty of exercise: Exercise burns calories and builds muscle.
  • Protein-rich mealsChoose meals with lots of protein. These have a great influence on the thermal effect and ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

How much fat can you eat during a food cleanse lose?

You can only lose weight if you eat with a calorie deficit, i.e. if you consume more calories than you eat. Exactly how much weight you lose, depends heavily on your own consumption, height, weight and the amount of exercise you do. Due to the low carbohydrate content of food cleanse also reduces water retention, which can further reduce your weight depending on your diet before the cure. With the LiveFresh food cleanse you consume around 1200 kcal a day. Men thus achieve a calorie deficit of up to 1100 kcal and women a calorie deficit of up to 600 kcal per day. In a week, men can lose up to 1.1 kg of fat and women up to 0.6 kg. However, these are only reference values.

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