News & Juice

Zuckerfasten - Trenderscheinung oder nützlicher Reset?


Sugar fasting - trend appearance or useful reset?

Lent is a time of waiver and it offers us an infinite number of options. Sugar fasting is most widespread, mostly fasting on industrial sugar. This means that you do without any kind of sweets and sweet drinks. It can become a real challenge if the midday snack is no longer a chocolate bar and the aggresser no longer no energy drink at noon. Together with our nutrition expert Dr. In this article we clarify Ulrike Fischer which effects and influences have fasting on industrial sugar.

What function does this have sugar fasting?

On the one hand, the absence of industrial sugar creates awareness of your own consumption behavior. It shows you what you consume during the day and what habits you have developed. This includes, for example, the sugar in coffee or in tea. Small habits that sneak into your everyday life, but become aware of you during Lent.

What do you have to pay attention to during sugar fasting?

It is important that you do not replace the sugar with sweeteners, because the sweet taste can trigger your sweet hunger, which makes fasting further difficult. Our nutrition expert Dr. Ulrike Fischer explains why this also suffers less about cravings. “Your body gets used to sugar as an energy supplier, but if you do without it, your body switches to a supplier of energy other than the sugar after a while. You automatically feel like healthy alternatives because your body learns to attract the necessary energy from other nutrients. For example, if you drink a glass of water first during cravings and then eat some vegetables, you can handle this attack with a healthy alternative. ”

Our nutrition expert also points out that your taste is also changing during Lent, because after fasting the taste of sugar seems much more intense.

What happens in your body during sugar fasting?

Dr. Ulrike Fischer explains four positive influences of sugar fasting on your body.

1) Stabilization of your bluk sugar level

If we take sugar with us, our blood sugar level increases, but then falls off after a while. Then we feel limp and tired, suffer from bad concentration and get headaches. This headache also occurs more frequently when it comes to sugar fasting, because they are a withdrawal of your body on the missing sugar. However, this reaction lies after a few days and you feel more alert and fitter afterwards.

2) influence on your intestinal flora

The intestine is the second brain of our body, explains Dr. Fischer. The intestine also gets used to the food we recorded and demands accordingly for it. He sends signals to our brain and demands the usual food. So if you take a lot of sugar with your diet, your intestine demands. However, if you do without sugar, your eating behavior is normalizing, since the sugar -addicted “intestinal bacteria” leave your body during the time of fasting.

3) Healthy teeth

The third positive effect called our nutritionist is the positive influence on our teeth. She explains: "During sugar fasting, the harmful bacteria in our mouth get less nutrients and die."

4) Losing of excess body fat

After all, you can lose excess body fat during the sugar fasting, because by giving up sugar you do not consume any empty carbohydrates. With high -quality foods, your body also consumes higher quality proteins, fats and fiber. In contrast to the sugar, these high -quality nutrients saturate longer and so there is also stopped meals.

A good start to Lent

Such a change in diet is often very difficult from one day to the next. Use theLiveFresh juice cure As a perfect start for Lent, for example if you want to start the sugar fasting. the Detox juice cure Also suitable as support during Lent or offers you the possibility of short -term fasting.

Video contribution on the subject of sugar fasting

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Natürliche Vitamine vs. synthetische Vitamine – Warum Vitamin nicht gleich Vitamin ist


Natural vitamins vs. synthetic vitamins - why vitamin is not the same as vitamin

Real foods are an essential part of our health and well -being - but the reality is that we simply do not get enough nutrients from the food we eat. This is because the floors contain fewer nutrients due to incorrect or over -management. This means that fewer vital substances get into our vegetable foods, but also into animal feed and thus into our animal food. Even controlled biologically grown foods contain fewer nutrients than before - no wonder that so many of us suffer from a lack of nutrients, especially since the nutrient requirement, among other things, increases in stress, illness or pregnancy. Therefore, dietary supplements are increasingly the means of choice. But be careful: vitamin is not the same as vitamin. We clarify why this is so.

What is the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins?

Natural vitamins always occur in food together with other important components such as enzymes, co-enzymes and co-factors, all of which interact in the body. In addition, most vitamins occur together in different structural forms. Instead, if a synthetic vitamin, which is only a copy of a fragment of a natural vitamin, is supposed to do the job alone, this can be quite problematic.

Synthetically produced vitamins are often a foreign chemical for the body, since an attempt is made to imitate the chemical formula of a vitamin, but it is usually in a different structure than the natural original. Substances that we would never supply our body under normal circumstances, such as tar wax or petroleum, are often used as the output raw materials for synthetic vitamins.

Comparison of natural and synthetic vitamins in terms of structure, benefits and damage

Vitamin E

Artificial vitamin E is obtained as a single structure of petroleum (oil), while natural vitamin E is obtained as an extract of soy, cassava and/or sunflower seeds and consists of up to four different structural forms.

vitamin C

The natural vitamin C also always occurs in conjunction with bioflavonoids, co-factors and the enzyme tyrosinase. This interplay of the various substances can be described as a real, complete vitamin C, as you know it from an orange or grapefruit. When the vitamin C was researched at the beginning of the 20th century, ascorbic acid was identified as the main component of vitamin C at the time and therefore ascorbic acid equated with vitamin C. Anyone who suffers from vitamin C deficiency helps the synthetic, natural identical vitamin C, of ​​course. However, good health care cannot be derived from synthetic ascorbic acid, because the co-factors as they are available in nature in vitamin C are simply missing. If you only supply your body ascorbic acid and the tyrosinase (an enzyme) belonging together, the body must remove the tyrosinase from your skin, your largest organ. Because tyrosinase actually helps your skin cells, pigments (or tan) to protect the skin from sunlight. However, if this is missing there, because synthetic “vitamin C” does not deliver it, your skin will not have enough tyrosinase at some point, which means that you have lower protection against sunlight and your skin cancer can increase. In the event that your body does not have sufficient reserves of the other components, ascorbic acid itself does not offer you any of the health benefits that the complete vitamin C complex from nature offers you. The unusable ascorbic acid is excreted by your body system via the urine after the circle.

Vitamin A

Another example is vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat -soluble vitamin and can therefore be enriched in the body and be harmful to an overdose. In plants such as carrots, however, only the preliminary stage β-carotene occurs. This is converted into vitamin A in the body, and only in the amount that the body needs. Thus, an overdose with natural vitamin A precursor is not as easy as with the synthetic shape.

These are just a few examples of how synthetic, incomplete vitamins can harm you more than use. Of course, the large -scale industrial production of vitamins is much easier and cheaper than the elaborate months of cultivation of natural products and the subsequent extraction of the vitamins. The cheaper price leads many people not to question the synthetic products. It is bought what is good for the wallet, even if it is paid for healthy health in the end. However, since the health consequences of synthetic vitamins in the body can often only be felt years later, they are usually no longer associated with vitamin intake.

The natural vitamins in our juices

We at LIVEFRESH tackle the topic of healthy eating and well -being holistically and therefore only use natural herbal extracts to use our cold -pressedjuices to make even more valuable with an additional function. The active ingredients are obtained with a gentle extraction process from fruits and plants. They contain the vitamins and minerals embedded in the plant extract, as the body recognizes it best and likes to absorb as if they were a piece of fruit or vegetables. This is more expensive than the “vitamins” made in the chemical laboratory, but your body will thank you. ➤ Here you come to Selection of our juices, shots and juice cures

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8 Tipps wie Du Deine Winterpfunde loswirst


8 tips on how to get rid of your winter pounds

Around 40% of all Germans start the year with good intentions: Quitting smoking comes first, followed by losing weight. We will focus on the latter in this blog post. But how can you tackle this resolution in a sustainable and healthy way?

First of all, you should define your own why and your goal. The why is the driving force behind your motivation, the reason why you do or don't do something. Many people chase after goals that are set for them by others but don't make them happy themselves. So if your why is "So that others no longer think I'm too fat", this is probably not enough to give you an inner drive. So find out what makes you happy in life and look for your personal why right here. It could be your health, a completely new body and lifestyle or something completely different. Only if you know what really makes you happy can you also know what drives you. It is important that you clearly define this why and always keep it in mind. You can find out more about how you can not only approach your goals with motivation, but also how you can set goals correctly and implement them successfully in the long term in our blog post More than just motivated - how to set and achieve goals.

Once you have defined your why and your goal, we now have 8 tipsthat will help you shed your winter pounds in the long term and feel healthier and fitter at the same time.

1. get started

    To initiate a healthy diet and lifestyle change, you can start with a juice cleansewhere you only drink juices or juice shakes made from juice, vegan protein and high-quality linseed oil for a few days. After that, most people find it easier to listen to their feelings of hunger and satiety. You can choose between a classic juice cleanse or a full-fledged juice cleanse choose - start with a juice cleanseget started and give your body a reset!

    2. eat a diet higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates

    Protein keeps you full, can boost your metabolism and can therefore help you lose weight. This is why protein-rich foods such as fish, meat, eggs, pulses and vegan protein-rich meat alternatives are so important for getting the body back into shape. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that adults consume 0.8 - 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. The protein requirement is even higher for athletes. The diet should therefore include plenty of protein sources after winter at the latest. To achieve this, the proportion of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as pasta, bread, potatoes, rice and sugary foods, should be reduced. 

    The food cleanse is the ideal solution for sustainable weight loss and supports you in your holistic dietary change. The whole thing is based on low carb & high protein products, which are an absolute all-round carefree package for your maximum success. In the morning you eat a delicious porridge and drink a Happy Lemon juice. At lunchtime you have a drink and a snack. In the evening, you round off the day with a warm, delicious & super healthy meal and treat yourself to a Sunshine Berry shot. You can also enjoy another drinkable meal at any time. Well-fed and supplied with all the vitamins and minerals you need, you say goodbye to excess pounds and get a lot closer to your feel-good figure.

    3. replace raw food with cooked vegetables in the winter months

      Women in particular tend to reach for salads when they want to eat a more figure-conscious diet. However, especially in winter, the body needs warming and easily digestible foods to boost the metabolism. Light vegetable soups, for example, are better than just salads. So don't be afraid to prepare hot meals several times a day.

      4. more movement in everyday life

        It doesn't have to be top sporting achievements, it is often enough to integrate more movement into your everyday life. Examples include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, cycling to work instead of driving or simply going for a walk in your free time and avoiding watching TV. You can find out more about this topic in our blog post Incorporating sport into everyday life - tips and exercises.

        Many people also think that only endurance training is important for weight loss. However, this is not the case. Targeted strength training builds up muscles, which increase the body's overall calorie requirement and can continue to burn fat even during rest periods.

        5. drink enough

          You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. A large glass of lukewarm water is particularly effective against cravings. You should mainly drink water and unsweetened tea.

          6. pay attention to the feeling of hunger and satiety

            Only eat when you are really hungry. You should eat slowly and in a relaxed manner, chewing 30 to 50 times. You should also eat consciously, i.e. not distracted by discussions, television or newspapers. This improves digestion, nutrient absorption and, above all, satiety. As already mentioned in tip 1, a juice cleanse can help you to (re)get to know your feelings of hunger and satiety and thus change your eating habits in the long term.

            People who eat slowly usually consume fewer calories. This is because the pleasure is increased and you feel more satisfied and satiated after a meal. The brain needs some time before it signals that enough has been eaten.

            Mindful and intuitive eating is a long-term and actually lifelong solution. It means learning to listen to your body's signals and only eating when you are hungry. To get full enough, you should focus mainly on nutritious foods that provide you with energy, nutrients and filling volume. Eating intuitively is the only way to lose weight in the long term and it is a slow and steady process.

            7. take your time and don't put yourself under pressure

              Of course you want to get back to your desired weight as quickly as possible - but the winter kilos are not so easy to work off. Although many diets promise weight loss in a short time, they are not successful in the long term. The rapid weight loss after so-called flash or crash diets is usually due to loss of tissue water and loss of muscle mass (protein breakdown). Fat deposits and internal abdominal fat remain untouched for a longer period of time. However, less muscle mass also means lower energy consumption and therefore a lower need for food energy. The right nutrient intake during the diet is important for sustainable weight loss. For example, a sufficient amount of protein prevents muscle mass from being broken down. Vitamins and minerals should also be consumed in sufficient quantities so that the body is not starved of nutrients and runs on empty. The food cleanse has been scientifically developed to help you lose weight in the long term and you can rest assured that these important points are covered.  

              However, if you continue to eat as before after losing weight, the excess energy is stored as fat and this yo-yo effect makes you lose weight. success. The nuts and bolts of sensible weight loss therefore include 4 plausible requirements:

              • optimal composition of meals with sufficient proteins,
              • slow weight loss without periods of hunger,
              • long-term change in eating habits,
              • Increase in physical exercise to build muscle.

              Many diets do not take into account a sustainable change of habits and are only interested in quick results. The food cleanse is the ideal support for you to lose weight sustainably, as you will not go hungry during the cure and will be optimally nourished. Of course, it is also important to stay on the ball afterwards! On our blog you will find suitable & delicious recipes for afterwards and you have the opportunity to healthy meals as a bundle. These can be perfectly integrated into your everyday life and are super quick to prepare. It is important that you avoid fast carbohydrates (sweets, white flour), as these are likely to cause cravings due to the rise in blood sugar. It is also important that you eat enough protein and high-quality fats.

              8. reduce stress

              Stress has an impact on your body composition as it affects your hormone balance. Short-term stress is not a problem. However, long-term stress that exhausts you and makes you feel stressed can cause major problems. This increases inflammatory factors, fat storage in the liver, acidification of the cells and muscle loss. It also disrupts the burning of sugar and leads to more hunger and cravings. You will therefore do yourself the most good if you reduce your stress levels and say "no" to new tasks or appointments. Also find out what relaxes you best and reduces your stress levels and incorporate more of this into your everyday life. This could be going for a walk during your lunch break or exercising in the evening, for example. Yoga is also a good option. There are many different variations, from calm to very vigorous. Our expert Lisa tells you in our blog post Yoga for beginners - basic knowledge, tips & yoga exercises the most important information, tips and a first yoga session.

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              Nervennahrung – welche Nährstoffe Dein Körper bei Stress braucht


              Nerve food - which nutrients your body needs when stressed

              Stress - a feeling that everyone probably knows today. For more and more people, however, stress is not the occasional kick with a sporty or mental performance, but a professional and private long -running favorite. Stress has many effects on the body. Several hundred biochemical reactions are initiated. Stress also has consequences for brain performance. Stress can bring the brain at full speed - or block. Many stressed people use unhealthy foods because they lack the time for cooking, for example, or they have desires in stress phases for unhealthy or sweets. But a nutrient diet is particularly important in stressful phases, because stress increases the need of the body enormously. What background and effects have stress, why there is an increased need for nutrients in stressful phases, which nutrients you can use to support your body and which juices & shots from livefresh are particularly suitable for this.

              Evolutionary background of stress & its effects on the body

              As a stress response, all physical, mental and emotional answers from the body can be described that run on special requirements. So it is about adaptation and resilience with external or inner pressure.

              Already our ancestors, the hunters and collectors, did not secure their survival in threatening situations with long considerations, but with a "combat or flight reaction" automatically in seconds. It is still the same today: As soon as a situation is perceived as threatening or challenging, the body's stress reactions start automatically and at lightning speed. The stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are released, which ride the blood pressure, breathing and circulation up. At the same time, other body systems, such as immune defense or digestion, are blocked. We cannot consciously control these processes in the event of stress. Once the stressful situation has survived, relaxation begins, the stress messenger substances are broken down, the reward messenger dopamine and the serotonin's lucky messenger are released. With permanent stress, another stress hormone, the cortisol, is released, which further increases the other stress hormones and lowers the happiness hormone. This leads to weight problems, digestive and sleep disorders as well as a bad mood. Persistent stress also hinders the gap and causes memory gaps.

              What nutrients you should support your body with stress

              The optimal nerve food contains all the nutrients that the brain needs for best performance and regeneration. Our body cannot provide many of these nutrients themselves and we have to absorb them with food. Therefore, these nutrients are also referred to as "essential", i.e. survival emergency.

              Your body needs the following 10 nutrients for the formation of brain messenger dopamine, noradreananaline, adrenaline, serotonin and melatonin:

              • Amino acids: Tryptophan and tyrosine or the forerunners amino acid phenylalanine
              • Vitamins: B6, B12, C, folic acid
              • Minerals: Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron

              Dopamine is created from tyrosine, iron and vitamin B6. Dopamine is then formed with vitamin C, copper and magnesium noradrenaline and noradrenaline is finally adrenaline with the participation of folic acid and vitamin B12. These 3 brain messengers enable you to react to acute stress and increase your brain performance.

              The happiness hormone serotonin arises from tryptophan, vitamin B6, zinc and iron. The sleep hormone melatonin is formed under the influence of daylight. Your brain is relaxed and sleepy in the optimal creative and performance state. In addition, foods with high omega-3 fatty acid content, especially DHA (Docasahexaenic acid), are important for brain function.

              Healthy and powerful nerve cells also need antioxidants to protect against stress damage and aging. These are mainly in deep oranges, dark red and intensely green fruit and vegetable varieties, tea, coffee, cocoa and many spices.

              Finally, your so -called “abdominal brain” should also be in top form, as it is directly connected to your brain and influences the meal. For this purpose, you should avoid food industrially processed and, on the other hand, fermented (fermented) foods, such as fresh sauerkraut or yogurt, into your menu. As an alternative to fermented foods, the intestinal flora and the intestinal barrier can be supported with pre- and probiotics. Both a healthy intestinal flora and an intact intestinal barrier have a decisive influence on the performance of the brain, since the vagus nerve has a direct connection between the nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

              In addition, there are some spices that can support you in stressful times, for example by supporting the formation of the brain messenger, reducing stress damage to nerve cells or, based on the aroma substances it contains, have an effect directly into the brain emotion center and thus have a relaxing or activating effect.

              Vegetarian foods as nerve food

              Don't worry, you don't have to study food tables now and see what and how many amino acids, vitamins or minerals contain. We have put together various vegetarian foods that are important for optimal brain performance in stressful times:

              • Seeds and nuts: Cocoa, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cashew nuts, flax seeds, peanuts, chia seeds, ramparts
              • Legumes: Chickpeas, thick beans, lentils, peas
              • Hard cheese: Parmesan and other long-mature cheese types such as mountain cheese and Pecorina, ideally from raw or pasture milk of cows, goats or sheep
              • Microalgae: Chlorella, schizochytrium and Ulkenia
              • Vegetables: Kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, paprika, asparagus, fennel and lamb's lettuce
              • Banana, berries (black currant), as well as vitamin C-rich fruits: rose hips, acerola, sanddorn
              • Fermented food (with still living cultures): sauerkraut and other fermented cabbage or kimchi, fermented carrots, kombucha, kefir/yogurt made of nut milk or coconut milk
              • Water, Green and black tea
              • Spices: Bockshorn clover, chili, Nelke, ginger, garlic, coriander, turmeric, pepper, saffron, mustard grains or cinnamon

              Essential oil made of rosemary is also suitable for the little break at the desk, from which you verrite and inhale a drop in your hands - it relaxes and activates at the same time and lets you work with a clear head again.

              Start a new stress -free everyday life with our cold -pressed juices & shots. They supply your body with important nutrients and are ideal as a nerve food:

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              Warum Dein Körper Vitamin C & Vitamin D in der Herbst- & Winterzeit unbedingt braucht


              Why your body absolutely needs vitamin C & vitamin D in autumn and winter time

              We'll tell you the most important facts about vitamin C and vitamin D in autumn and winter. You first learn what vitamins are, what is behind the vitamins C and D, what tasks they have in the human body and what consequences can have a deficiency. Building on these basics, we show you crucial reasons why your body absolutely needs vitamin C and vitamin D, especially in autumn and winter.

              What are vitamins?

              Vitamins are micro nutrients that are vital for our body. They have to be absorbed through the food because they (almost all) cannot be made by the body themselves. However, vitamins are essential for physical health. It is therefore very important to pay attention to the vitamin balance of your own body and to supply it with sufficient vitamins.


              Vitamin C - for your immune system

              What is vitamin C?

              Vitamin C is one of the water -soluble vitamins. This means that this vitamin cannot be saved by the body. The intake is via the liquid of food. The vitamin C is then distributed via the blood in the body and excreted over the urine in the event of an excess. Many connect vitamin C with citrus fruits, for example, since oranges, lemons, lime or kiwis are important vitamin C suppliers.

              Tasks in the human body

              Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for the human body and means full power for you because it contributes to the normal function of the immune system and reducing tiredness. In addition, it contributes to a normal function of the energy metabolism, the nervous system and psychological function. Vitamin C is therefore a true multi -talent and has an enormous effect on our immune system.

              What are the consequences of a vitamin C deficiency?

              If your body is not sufficiently supplied with vitamin C, it is more susceptible to colds. This is because vitamin C is part of the white blood cells, which in turn play a very important role in the defense against pathogens. If there is a vitamin C defect, this means that your body can defend itself less well against pathogens.


              Vitamin D - the sun vitamin

              What is vitamin D?

              Vitamin D is also known as the sun vitamin, since it is mainly absorbed through the sun's rays. In contrast to most other vitamins, the body can produce it itself if the body is exposed to sufficient solar radiation. Therefore, strictly speaking, vitamin D is not a vitamin. Nevertheless, it is treated as such in science and is one of the fat -soluble vitamins. Fat -soluble vitamins are stored in the liver or tissue. However, the sun must be very high for the absorption of vitamin D over sun rays. The rule of thumb applies here: If the shadow is longer than the body size, there is almost no vitamin D production. Depending on the skin type, around 30 minutes are necessary in the bikini or in the swimming trunks in the midday sun to cover the daily requirement of vitamin D. Unfortunately, this is not possible in Germany on most days a year. In addition, there is no healthy option to meet the vitamin D requirement sufficiently through food. Here you will find a graphic of how much vitamin D is contained in different foods.

              Tasks in the human body

              Almost all cells in the body have a vitamin D receptor. As a result, the sun vitamin intervenes in the metabolic processes of many different organs. This means that vitamin D has a big impact on many organs. For example, vitamin D plays an important role for the general condition, the muscles, bones, teeth, the circulation, the nervous system and our immune system.

              What are the consequences of a vitamin D deficiency?

              Since vitamin D has a big impact on many organs, a defect can also affect many areas of the body. With a vitamin D deficiency, a wide variety of symptoms can occur, such as:

              • General condition: weakness, lack of drive, energy loss, permanent exhaustion and depression
              • Muscles: cramping, twitching, trembling, pain, weakness
              • Bone: pain
              • Teeth: periodontitis
              • Circulation: circulatory and circulatory disorders, cold feeling, especially on hands and feet
              • Nervous system: sleep disorders, constant fatigue and fatigue, concentration disorders, inner unrest, coordination disorders
              • Immune system: susceptibility to infection

              Why does our body need vitamin C & vitamin D especially in autumn & winter?

              In general, cold diseases occur increasingly in the autumn and winter months because viruses and bacteria can penetrate our bodies particularly well at that time. A variety of external influences often contribute to the fact that our immune system is weakened. Even in summer, viruses and bacteria can have an easy game, if e.g. B. climate systems irritate the mucous membranes. In autumn and winter, however, the everyday change of cold and warm makes it particularly easy for the pathogens. The pathogens are usually carried through the droplet infection, or if they come to our mucous membranes through touch. When our immune system is weakened, the pathogens can get through the mucous membranes into our bodies and there is a cold.

              Why vitamin C?

              As a result of that vitamin C In particular, it is responsible for the normal function of the immune system and contributes to reducing fatigue, it protects our body from the rapidly spreading cold viruses in autumn and winter. Especially in the dark season, you should pay attention to your vitamin C household because there are threatens to get colds here. However, vitamin C also supports your body in other factors, such as the normal function of your energy metabolism, the nervous system or your psychological constitution, which also play an important role in the cold and dark autumn and winter time.

              According to a study, children and older people in particular benefit from the power of vitamin C. The results show that children who took 1-2 grams of vitamin C every day are less likely to develop colds and coughs and have not been missing in school lessons so often , like the placebo control group.[1]

              And that's not all - vitamin C can do even more. If vitamin C is taken prophylactically, in addition to the frequency of colds, it can also reduce the duration and expression of the disease. The results of a study show that taking vitamin C reduces the duration of illness in adults by 8% and 14% in children. In addition, the symptoms of the cold in the case of prophylactic vitamin C are not so pronounced according to the results.[2]

              Why vitamin D?

              For a long time it was a mystery to science why flu and cold waves in Germany are very common in autumn and winter, the sun-low seasons. A statement by current studies is now that a Vitamin D Deficiency our immune system weakens. The sunlight represents the original source of vitamin D synthesis. We already explained above, we can only form enough vitamin D over our skin in Western Europe from May to September, as these are the sunny months with us. In addition, there is our lifestyle, which takes place a lot in closed rooms. In the autumn and winter months, the sun is much less present and absolutely insufficient to absorb enough vitamin D. According to the current studies, insufficient supply of vitamin D in autumn and winter means a significantly increased susceptibility to upper respiratory infections for both young and older people. With the help of vitamin D, the infectism of cold viruses can be reduced, according to the study results, since vitamin contributes to an increase in the production of the body's own pastries. It has been shown several times that the risk of respiratory diseases in children and adults can be significantly reduced by 35% by adding vitamin D.[3]

              Another study also shows the connection between a vitamin D deficiency and winter depression. Winter depression because the seasonal occurrence of depression is particularly noticeable, especially in winter. It could be found that the addition of vitamin D to the test participants could improve their depression by 74%. In contrast, pure light therapy did not lead to an improvement. This means that the vitamin D deficiency that is used by the solar inflow and not the general lack of sunlight is the decisive factor for winter depression.[4]

              The studies therefore prove that the sun vitamin vitamin D is indispensable for both our general physical and our intellectual constitution. Vitamin D plays a central role as a component of our immune system or in the function and structure of our immune system. That is why it is particularly important in autumn and winter to also supply the body with vitamin D to protect it from colds or infections.

              As you can see, it is very important for your immune system to prevent. An intact immune system immediately recognizes the urgent and makes it harmless. Without sufficient supply with vitamin C and vitamin D, our body is much more susceptible to colds and infections.

              Immun Shot cure by LiveFresh

              the Immun Shot cure by LiveFresh Provides your body with the daily need for vitamin C & vitamin D in 100% natural way. The shot cure is the cure that your immune system needs in autumn and winter.

              The shots ginger storm and turmeric power support your immune system with sufficient vitamin C and our Sunshine Berry covers your daily need for vitamin D. Start now with your shot cure and get optimally through autumn & winter!


              [1] Coulehan JL, Reisinger KS, Rogers KD, Bradley DW. Vitamin C prophylaxis in a boarding school. N Engl J med, 290 (1), 1974, 6–10.

              [2] Hemilä H, Chalker e.vitamin C for Preventing and Treating the Common Cold.Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (1), 2013.

              [3] See Gröber, Uwe. The most important nutritional supplements. Südwest Verlag, 2021.

              [4] See Gloth 3rd, F. M., Waheed Alam, and Bruce Holis. Vitamin D VS Broad Spectrum Phototherapy in the Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder. The Journal of Nutrition, L Health & Aging, 1998, 3rd vol., No. 1, pp. 5-7.

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              7 typische Fehler beim Abnehmen


              7 typical errors in losing weight

              Do you have to lose weight or have been trying for a long time and it doesn't work as you imagined? We have a few helpful tips for you which mistakes are often made when losing weight:

              1. too little protein and healthy fats 

                - Healthy snacks, such as nuts, can stop fat burning

                - One speaks of a healthy acceptance if you decrease 500g per week. But that doesn't have to be, everyone is individually different and it can also go a little slower. Patience is required here.

                4. Loss of circumstances, although nothing happens on the scales 

                5. Too many dairy products 

                6. Too much stress 

                - as well as stress, has a great influence on the success of the acceptance

                Our juice cure supports you to get started with a long -term healthier diet. Place your body on reset with a juice cure, start a more conscious lifestyle and feel better in the long term.➤ 3.5 or 7 days of juice cure

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