Drei Schritte zur Zubereitung gesunder Pancakes: Zutaten in einer blauen Schüssel, Teigportionen, die in einer Pfanne braten, und der fertige Stapel Pancakes mit Joghurt und Granatapfelkernen garniert auf einem Teller.

Healthy pancakes

We show you how you can easily make super fluffy pancakes can conjure up. The simple basic recipe comes with only a few ingredients and is quick & easy to prepare. Simply perfect for a cozy Sunday breakfast

Preparation: 2 min.

Preparation: 10 min.

Total time: 12 min.


Ingredients (2 servings):

200g oatmeal

2 bananas

20g LiveFresh Protein Mix - Vanilla

200ml oat milk


  1. Mash the bananas to a pulp, put them in a bowl with the other ingredients and mix with a hand mixer until a liquid mass.

  2. Now fry the batter on low heat in a coated pan until golden brown on both sides

  3. Enjoy your meal!

Nutritional values (per 100g):


29,6g carbohydrates

9,6g protein

4,8g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Already had breakfast? 🤤🥞#schnellerezepte #rezeptideen #einfacherezepte #daskochduo #viralfoodrecipes #pancakes #beakfast #gesunderezepte #healthyrecipes ♬ This Year Blessing by Victor Thompson - Ude Paw Paw


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