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Frequently asked questions about pomegranate juice:

Fresh pomegranate juice from LiveFresh buy

Pomegranate juice ideally complements your healthy diet and supports you in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. The cold-pressed LiveFresh pomegranate juice has a 100 % fruit content - 100 % natural and of the best quality. Full of important nutrients and vitamins is pomegranate juice with its incredibly good taste a real treat. There are good reasons why the pomegranate is also known as the "food of the gods". All these factors made it an easy decision for us to include direct pomegranate juice in our range.

Pomegranate juice and its effect on your health

Fun fact: Did you know that the pomegranate is not actually an apple but a berry? The pomegranate is also one of the few fruits where only the "seeds" are eaten can be eaten. In addition, the fruit is versatile - whether as freshly squeezed juice, as a snack between meals or to spice up meals. 

Pomegranate juice is not only delicious, but also a good supplement for a balanced diet. For this reason, pomegranate juice is now particularly popular and is considered a healthy superfood.

Polyphenol makes the pomegranate a superfood 

The many vitamins, fiber and secondary plant substances are mainly found in the seeds and skin of the blood-red fruit. The high concentration of these valuable nutrients makes the pomegranate a true superfood. Pomegranates contain, among other things: 

  • Polyphenol 
  • Vitamin B and vitamin C 
  • Minerals potassium, calcium and iron 

Polyphenols are secondary plant substances that are only released from the peel into the juice during the pressing process. A pomegranate contains an average of 4,500 mg polyphenols per liter. Such a high polyphenol content is found in almost no other fruit. 

More aromatic LiveFresh pomegranate juice. 100% natural. 100 % pomegranate.

You are now wondering what the LiveFresh pomegranate juice so special? Our juices are cold-pressed¹ - which means they are not pasteurized. This preserves valuable vitamins and nutrients and full flavor. We also guarantee 100% fruit content - natural direct juice with no artificial additives. Our pomegranate range includes: 

Our direct juice Rote Granate is the perfect way to try this delicious juice. If you would like to stock up on more of our refreshing drink right away, then it's best to choose our organic pomegranate juice in the 3-liter juice box. without additives, never heated and vegan. Or make a fresh start to a more conscious lifestyle and try one of our LiveFresh juice cures.