The orange and its vitamin C - The perfect companion through the winter season

Die Orange und ihr Vitamin C - Der perfekte Begleiter durch die Winterzeit
Die Orange und ihr Vitamin C - Der perfekte Begleiter durch die Winterzeit

Sie erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit und gilt mittlerweile als die am häufigsten angebaute Zitrusfrucht der Welt: Die Orange. Die aus Asien stammende Frucht schmeckt nicht nur lecker, sondern ist nebenbei auch noch wichtiger Nährstofflieferant für den menschlichen Körper. Warum nicht nur die Frucht selbst, sondern vor allem der gepresste Saft besonders gesund ist und weshalb ihr in der anstehenden Winterzeit regelmäßig zu unserem flüssigen Gold greifen solltet, erklären wir euch hier.


  • Orangen sind wertvolle Vitamin-C-Lieferanten, ideal zur Stärkung des Immunsystems in der Winterzeit.
  • Laut einer Studie wird Vitamin C aus Saft sogar besser aufgenommen als aus der Frucht, insbesondere bei kaltgepresstem Saft.
  • LiveFresh-Orangensäfte behalten durch Kaltpressung ihre Nährstoffe, da sie nicht erhitzt werden.

The orange and its vitamin C

Winter is just around the corner: in addition to the icy cold, darkness on the way to work and on the way home, illnesses and stubborn colds are a constant source of trouble. We have no cure for the cold and darkness. However, we can do our bit to protect ourselves against viruses and other pathogens.

Vitamin C - the nutrient supplier par excellence

Vitamin C is an indispensable source of nutrients for strengthening the immune system and shortening the duration of illnesses. Hardly any other fruit contains so
many vitamins and health-promoting substances as the orange. As the human organism is not able to produce ascorbic acid - the scientific name for vitamin C - itself, we must obtain all the vitamin C we need from our diet. According to the German Nutrition Society, we should consume around 100 milligrams of vitamin C per day - this corresponds to one to two oranges, 1 bottle of LiveFresh orange or 1 bottle LiveFresh Orange meets guarana. Our juice is therefore a perfect vitamin base for the day at breakfast, but it also serves as a tasty source of energy and a vitamin-rich kick in between meals.

Study confirms: Orange juice is healthier than orange

According to a 2016 study by the University of Hohenheim, those who prefer squeezed orange juice to the citrus fruit itself help their body even more, as vitamins and nutrients can be better absorbed from the drink. In addition to the aforementioned vitamin C, it is primarily carotenoids that can be absorbed in much greater quantities through the juice. Carotenoids are secondary plant substances that are not only beneficial to health, but also form the precursor of vitamin A and a protective shield against radicals. The fact that the intake of carotenoids in oranges is significantly lower is due to the indigestible fiber, which is found in higher quantities in the fruit itself than in the juice.

Cold-pressed instead of highly heated

The study has therefore shown that pasteurized or cold-pressed orange juice is more valuable for the human body than the orange itself. However, what is not mentioned:
Vitamin C is sensitive to heat. As almost all conventional orange juice is pasteurized, valuable vitamins and nutrients as well as bacteria are destroyed. But not with LiveFreshThanks to the special manufacturing process our juices are cold-pressed and never heated. As a result, we retain all the important vitamins and nutrients in the pressed juice for several weeks and combine them with the higher number of carotenoids in our bottles than in oranges.

In order to stay as healthy and vital as possible through the coming winter, we recommend that you always reach for orange products. In what form is ultimately up to you. Our little vitamin bombs are certainly a perfect solution for everyday life.

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