Warum die Saftkur Vor- und Nachbereitung so wichtig ist

Why the juice cure is so important

Have you ever wondered why the preparation and follow-up of a juice cure is so important? To achieve your goals with the juice cure as best as possible and to maintain the long term! Our juice cures can support you on the way to a sustainable healthy & conscious way of life. But pull a juice cure for 3 to 7 days alone and stick to old habits in front of it and afterwards, your goal will not bring you closer to your goal.

So that the juice cure helps you optimally with a long -term healthy diet, you should gently prepare your body for it and then use the reset achieved for a new nutritional awareness. The importance of follow -up is not to be ignored, since it can help you to establish new habits in your everyday life in the long term.

For this reason we give you in our juice cure brochure and every week on our Instagram channel @livefreshjuice Great healthy and suitable recipes that you can use for a long -term healthy lifestyle.

Why a juice cure preparation?

In the event of a juice cure, you do without solid food for 3 to 7 days to give your body a break. This means that your body is experiencing an extreme change and is placed on reset. So that this transition from solid to liquid food is as gently as possible and for cravings during theDetox juice cure To avoid, we recommend a balanced diet with sufficient liquid, vegetables and raw food for the days before the juice cure.

Why a juice cure follow -up?

In order not to overwhelm the body after the juice cure and get used to solid food again gently, you should consume gentle dishes after the juice cure. This way you get your body accustomed to a new, more conscious and more balanced diet and you can make the long -term change into a healthy diet easier.

Start a more conscious lifestyle with your juice cure and feel better in the long term. ➤ 3.5 or 7 days of juice cure

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