Wir haben anlässlich des Weltgesundheitstages am 7. April 2019 nachgefragt: Wie gesund lebt die LiveFresh Community? Und was sind die größten Herausforderungen, um gesunde Gewohnheiten durchzuhalten?
Da wir LiveFresh mit der Mission gegründet haben, mit unseren natürlichen Säften einen gesunden Lebensstil in die Welt hinauszutragen, wollen wir unseren Kunden ab jetzt gezielt mit hilfreichen Tipps und Tricks zur Seite stehen. Auf in ein gesundes Leben mit Genuss! Jeden Tag.
How healthy is the LiveFresh community?
As already mentioned in our survey in March 2019 confirms that our community is made up of nutrition- and health-conscious people: After all, 67.5% of our customers said they consume our juices to consciously maintain a healthy, natural lifestyle with our 100% natural juices without additives without additives. A great step towards a conscious, healthy life with pleasure!
This quiz also shows that our customers are either already living a healthy lifestyle with a conscious diet or are full of motivation to become healthier. Together we can do it! With our 100% natural Juice Revolution for natural energy.
How does the LiveFresh community healthy?
Currently, 46% of our customers state that they already keep themselves healthy with both a healthy diet and exercise (multiple answers possible):
A further 28% said they keep fit with a healthy diet, while a similar percentage (30%) admitted that they are not yet as healthy as they would like to be. That's not a problem either - together we can now tackle the challenge of a healthy lifestyle and take the step towards a healthier life together! That is why LiveFresh was finally founded.
Only 1% stated that they were not interested in healthy living.
What are the biggest challenges to a healthy lifestyle?
Stress as the number 1 challenge
Who would have thought it? Most participants cited "stress or other reasons" as the biggest challenge to a healthier lifestyle - an alarm bell for us all to take a holistic approach to health.
Exercise and diet simply cannot be enforced in isolation and are difficult to maintain without the right support. As many other studies have shown, health must be approached holistically: After all, life circumstances, stress and a lack of regeneration, motivation and wellness often make it difficult to put healthy living into practice.
Stress as the biggest obstacle was followed by unhealthy diet, 3. too little motivation to exercise and 4. sport and diet as a joint challenge.
That is why we are now going to tackle these topics holistically: With tips and tricks for healthier habits for a healthy lifestyle with pleasure and without sacrifice. Healthy is the new sexy :)
Off to the Juice Revolution
Don't worry - even if it's difficult: from now on we'll be working with LiveFresh juices and tips to help you overcome the challenges of a healthy lifestyle. So that you can integrate an active, healthy lifestyle and conscious nutrition into your life in the long term!
Be part of the Juice Revolution! Because a healthy life and enjoyment no longer have to be a compromise with good nutrition.
Live healthily. With pleasure. Every day.