Clean eating - the healthy nutritional trend

Clean Eating - der gesunde Ernährungstrend
Clean Eating - der gesunde Ernährungstrend

Clean Eating ist nicht einfach nur eine Diät oder ein kurzfristiger Ernährungstrend, sondern eineLebenseinstellung, die auf gesunden, unverarbeiteten Lebensmitteln basiert. Immer mehr Menschen entscheiden sich bewusst für eine solche Ernährungsweise und verzichten auf Fast Food, Zucker und künstliche Zusatzstoffe. Doch was steckt eigentlich hinter demKonzept des Clean Eating? Und welche Vorteile bringt es mit sich? In diesem Artikel wollen wir uns diesen Fragen genauer widmen und einen Einblick in die Welt des Clean Eating geben.


  • Clean Eating bedeutet, auf natürliche, unverarbeitete Lebensmittel zu setzen und auf Zucker sowie künstliche Zusatzstoffe zu verzichten.
  • Vorteile sind eine bessere Nährstoffaufnahme, Verdauung und Energie, ohne Fokus auf Gewichtsabnahme.
  • Erlaubt sind frisches Obst, Gemüse, Vollkornprodukte, Nüsse und hochwertige Proteinquellen; auf Fast Food und raffinierte Kohlenhydrate wird verzichtet.
  • Wichtig ist auch regelmäßige Flüssigkeitszufuhr und ausgewogene Mahlzeiten.

What is clean eating?

The English term "clean eating" literally means "clean eating". Clean is not meant in the sense of sterile, but the food that is consumed in this form of nutrition should be as natural as possible. Clean eating is therefore a nutritional approachthat aims to eat fresh, natural foods and eliminating processed food, artificial additives and refined sugar from the diet. The aim is to nourish the body with healthy, nutrient-rich foods while minimizing the consumption of unhealthy foods.

The concept of clean eating is simple: instead of processed foods, which are often high in sugar, salt and fat, fresh, healthy and natural foods are preferred. This means focusing on foods that are rich in nutrients and fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, fish and legumes. Healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts and seeds, should also be incorporated into the diet in moderate amounts.

However, clean eating not only avoids unhealthy foods, but also refined food additives such as sugar, refined flour, artificial flavors and preservatives. Instead, care is taken to ensure that the food is as natural as possible and contains no additives.

What are the benefits of this form of nutrition?

The Clean Eating concept, which is based entirely on the motto of "natural food", you take a closer look at your diet and the preparation of healthy dishes. You eat food that is as natural and wholesome as possible. This means that you avoid synthetic additives, sweeteners, sugar, colorings and flavorings, flavor enhancers, unhealthy trans fats and other mostly harmful substances in processed foods. By avoiding unhealthy or processed foods, you are eating healthier and saving many calories per day. This can lead to weight loss. However, losing weight should not be the main aim of this type of diet. 

The benefits of this type of diet are numerous and can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health. Some of the benefits are:

  • Better nutrient absorption: The diet focuses on nutrient-rich, unprocessed foods. This provides you with important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, which are essential for optimal health.
  • Better digestion: Because clean eating focuses on an unprocessed, high-fiber diet, it can lead to better digestion and a healthier gut. A healthy gut flora is crucial for the immune system and can also have an impact on mental health.
  • Better energy: By cutting out foods high in sugar and fat, which can lead to energy slumps, and focusing on nutrient-rich foods that keep you energized, clean eating can lead to better energy and stamina in everyday life.
  • Better body weightBy avoiding processed foods and focusing on nutrient-rich foods, clean eating can help you control your weight and lose weight. It can also lead to a better body image and increased self-confidence. Keep in mind that the main goal of changing your diet is not to lose weight, but is only a side effect.
  • Improved immune systemBy providing important nutrients and antioxidants, clean eating can strengthen the immune system and protect you from diseases and infections.
  • Better mental health: A healthy diet can also have a positive impact on mental health. Clean eating can help provide the brain with important nutrients needed for optimal brain function and mental clarity.

Which foods are allowed?

Clean eating allows anything that tastes good, as long as it is clean. So you eat as much as possible natural products that are not or hardly processed. 

Here is a list of examples of permitted foods

  • Fruit: Fresh fruit such as apples, bananas, berries, oranges, grapefruits, melons, peaches, pears and kiwis are allowed. Dried fruit without added sugar can also be consumed in moderation.
  • Vegetables: Both raw and cooked vegetables in all varieties are allowed. These include onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and many more.
  • Whole grain products: Whole grain bread, pasta, rice and flour are allowed. Quinoa, millet and other whole grains are also allowed.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas are rich in vegetable protein and fiber and are therefore an important part of the clean diet.
  • Nuts and seedsNuts and seeds contain valuable fats and are allowed in clean eating. These include almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts, chia seeds, linseed, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds.
  • Dairy productsDairy products should be consumed in moderation and should preferably be low-fat. Low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese are permitted.
  • Meat and fish: Meat, poultry and fish without antibiotics and hormones should be preferred. Eggs are also permitted.
  • Spices and herbs: Clean eating focuses on avoiding unnecessary additives and sugar. However, spices and herbs such as basil, thyme, parsley, turmeric, cinnamon, pepper and ginger can be used without hesitation.
  • Drinks: Water is the best drink for clean eating. Tea and coffee without sugar or sweeteners are also allowed. Freshly squeezed juices with no added sugar are also allowed. Our cold-pressed juices make the transition easier and provide you with important vitamins and nutrients.
  • Sweetener: When eating clean, natural sweeteners such as honey, agave syrup or maple syrup should be used in moderation. Industrially produced sugar and sweeteners should be avoided.

In summary, unprocessed and unrefined foods are permitted in this type of diet. It is important to make sure that these foods are natural form and without additives to maximize the health benefits. One balanced diet with a variety of foods is also important.

Don't have time to cook healthy and nutritious meals? Then you should definitely read our vagan bowls try them out. Within just 9 minutes, the delicious dishes prepared and are perfect for a clean meal.

Examples of not allowed foods in clean eating:

  • Processed foods: This includes, for example, fast food, ready meals, potato chips and other snacks, breakfast cereals and other industrially processed foods, which often contain a lot of sugar, salt and additives. Ready-made sauces and dressings also fall into this category, as they often contain a lot of sugar, salt and preservatives. Instead, natural ingredients such as fresh vegetables, fruit and herbs should be used for seasoning.
  • Refined carbohydratesThese include white bread, white flour products, pasta and rice, for example, which lose important nutrients and fiber during the refining process and are often quickly absorbed by the body, which can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels. Instead, whole grain products should be preferred, which are absorbed slowly and therefore satiate for a longer period of time.
  • Sugar: Sweets, pastries, soft drinks and fruit juices should be avoided as they often lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and only provide empty calories. Instead, fruits, berries and natural sweeteners such as honey, agave syrup or coconut blossom sugar can be used for sweetening.
  • Trans fats: Trans fats are created during the processing of oils and can be found in foods such as margarine, fried foods and processed baked goods. They can lead to a rise in bad cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Instead, unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado oil or nuts should be preferred.
  • AdditivesMany processed foods contain a variety of additives such as preservatives, colorings and flavor enhancers, which are not essential and can sometimes even be harmful. Instead, fresh, natural ingredients that can be eaten in their original form and without additives should be preferred.

These foods should be avoided or limited as they can often have a negative impact on health. Instead, unprocessed and natural foods should be preferred to achieve a balanced and healthy diet.

6 basic rules for clean eating

With clean eating, as with many other forms of nutrition, there is no standard definition and there are stricter and more relaxed approaches. The following basic rules you can remember for clean eating: 

  1. Avoid industrially processed foodsWhen eating clean, you should avoid highly processed foods such as sugar, white flour and artificial additives. These often contain empty calories and few nutrients.
  2. Avoid ready-made products with more than 5 ingredientsWhen eating clean, you should avoid ready-made products as much as possible and prefer fresh, unprocessed foods instead. If you do resort to ready-made products, you should make sure that they contain as few ingredients as possible and do not contain any unnecessary additives, such as artificial flavors or colorings.
  3. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables: With clean eating, fruit and vegetables are at the heart of the diet. They should be eaten in large quantities to provide the body with important nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. These should be as fresh and seasonal as possible to ensure they are maximally nutritious and free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.
  4. You don't have to give up dairy products, meat and fish, just make sure they are of good quality: Clean eating is not about giving up dairy products, meat and fish completely. However, you should pay attention to the quality of these foods and enjoy them in moderation. A good rule of thumb is that animal food should be as natural and additive-free as possible. When it comes to seafood, you should pay attention to the sustainability of the fishery and make sure that it comes from wild catch and not from aquaculture.
  5. Make sure you eat regular meals and avoid constant snackingThe aim is to provide the body with sufficient energy and nutrients while avoiding overeating. It is advisable to eat three wholesome meals a day and to choose a healthy snack to satisfy hunger if necessary. Meals should be balanced and varied to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients.
  6. Drink plenty of water and unsweetened tea: Hydration plays an important role in clean eating. Water and unsweetened tea should be preferred as they contain no calories and provide you with sufficient fluids. You should drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day to keep your body hydrated and help flush out toxins.

Our fresh juices made from fruit and vegetables contain no additives and are therefore ideal for a clean eating diet. The freshly squeezed juices offer you the opportunity to consume a larger amount of fruit and vegetables and thus obtain a variety of nutrients and fiber.

Who is this form of nutrition suitable for?

Basically, anyone can become a clean eater. Especially if you want to eat healthier, this diet could be the right one for you. Clean eating is also suitable for people with a gluten intolerance, as white flour products are prohibited in clean eating. Other cereals containing gluten, such as spelt, can also be avoided. Meat, fish and dairy products are permitted, but clean eating is also ideal for vegetarians and vegans. Please note that this type of diet should not be seen as a short-term diet. You can find healthy tips and tricks for rapid weight loss in our blog post on the topic lose weight quickly.

As we have shown you, clean eating doesn't just mean going without and you can eat lots of great foods. Fresh cooking with unprocessed, natural foods is the be-all and end-all. You should therefore enjoy cooking and take some time for it. On our blog you'll find lots of recipes, ideas and options for meal preps in case things get stressful at work during the week. Our delicious vegan bowls are also suitable for a clean meal. Without additives and with important nutrients, you can conjure up a delicious and healthy meal in no time at all with our bowls.

Would you like to try out your first clean eating recipe straight away?

We have a delicious clean eating recipe for you - a berry smoothie that you can prepare super quickly. Give it a try! 

Click here to go straight to our recipe: Clean eating recipe - berry smoothie

Want to change your diet and get started with clean eating in the long term? Our juice cleanse will make this change easier for you. So start now with your juice cleanse into a more conscious lifestyle and feel better in the long term. ➤ 3,5 or 7 days juice cleanse

Frequently asked questions about clean eating:

Can you eat out when clean eating?

Clean eating means focusing on fresh, unprocessed food that is as natural as possible. But what happens if you want to or have to eat out? Is that even possible?

The answer is yes, you can still eat out when eating clean if you keep a few things in mind. Below, we'll show you some tips and tricks on how to make sure you eat healthy and clean when you're out and about.

  • Research: Before visiting a restaurant, it's worth looking online to see what's on the menu. Many restaurants now also offer healthy and vegan options.
  • Bring your own dressingMany salads contain a lot of hidden sugar, oil and artificial flavors when eating out. If you want to be on the safe side, you can take your own dressing with you in a small bottle.
  • Not chips, but vegetablesInstead of chips and the like, you can ask for a meal made from vegetables that are fried or steamed.
  • Proteins: You can make sure you get enough protein by choosing fish, chicken or tofu, for example, and ordering a side dish of vegetables or salad.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetablesFresh fruit and vegetables are often served in restaurants as a side dish or snack.
  • Avoid sauces: Sauces often contain a lot of sugar and artificial flavors. If you prefer your food without sauces, you should also make sure that the food is served without sauce if possible.
  • Avoid desserts: Desserts often contain a lot of sugar and are usually not a good choice for those who have opted for clean eating. If you still don't want to miss out on dessert, you can opt for a fruit plate.

In summary, it is possible to eat out even when eating clean. You should inform yourself about the menu beforehand and look out for fresh, unprocessed ingredients. If you take these tips to heart, you can also make sure you eat healthily when you are out and about.

How long does it take to see results from clean eating?

Clean eating is a diet that aims to consume foods that are as natural and unprocessed as possible while avoiding processed and sugary products. An important question for many who start clean eating is: How long does it take to see results?

The answer to this question depends on various factors, such as the individual's metabolism, current state of health and physical activity. As a rule, however, it can take several weeks to months before the first changes become noticeable. However, it is important to note that clean eating is not a miracle cure and that results will not happen overnight. To achieve long-term results, it takes patience, discipline and a long-term commitment to changing your eating habits. You should also note that this form of eating should not be seen as a diet aimed at losing weight. Rather, you should see this form of nutrition as a holistic change towards a healthier and fitter life.

Can I do clean eating even if I don't have time to cook?

Yes, even though clean eating is all about consuming fresh and healthy foods, there are ways to practice the diet when you don't have time to cook healthy and nutritious meals. Here are some tips:

  • Meal PrepPrepare your meals in advance. On a day off, for example, you can cook several portions of vegetables and wholegrain products and store them in Tupperware boxes. You can also prepare healthy snacks, such as carrot sticks, apples or nuts. For your next meal prep, you can find a range of tips on our blog different recipes to inspire you and keep you healthy in your everyday life.
  • Smoothies: Smoothies are a quick and healthy way to replace a meal when you don't have time to cook. There are many delicious and healthy recipes for smoothies that will get you fit and energized for the day - our Berry smoothie is perfect for breakfast on the go.
  • Salads: Salads are a quick and easy way to prepare a meal. You can mix salad leaves with vegetables, proteins such as chicken or salmon and a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Healthy ready mealsAlthough ready meals are not usually associated with clean eating, there are now many healthy ready meals without additives and artificial flavors. With our delicious vegan bowls with lots of fiber and protein, you can quickly and easily conjure up a clean meal that is also super healthy.

Is clean eating more expensive than a conventional diet?

Clean eating as a form of nutrition is not necessarily more expensive than a conventional diet. The focus on fresh, unprocessed food can even save you money by avoiding expensive convenience products and fast food.

However, there are also some aspects of clean eating that can be associated with higher costs. For example, organic produce is often more expensive than conventional produce, and buying fresh produce can take more time and effort than buying convenience foods. Nevertheless, there are ways to keep costs in check. For example, you can buy seasonal and regional produce, which is often cheaper than imported products. You can also buy food in bulk and freeze it to save money. Another option is to plan and prepare meals in advance.

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