In unserem Alltag und der Arbeitswelt geht es immer häufiger um höher… schneller… weiter… und die Menschen hetzen von einem Termin zum nächsten. Hierbei bleibt jedoch meist der wichtige Gegenpart: die Entspannung, auf der Strecke. Vielleicht kennst Du das auch von Deinem Alltag und weißt wie ausgelaugt Du Dich am Abend fühlst, wenn Du von einem Termin zum nächsten gehetzt bist. Kurzfristiger Stress oder mal einen vollgepackten Tag ist nicht so schlimm. Andauernder Stress kann jedoch langfristig zu verschiedenen körperlichen und seelischen Beschwerden führen. Daher ist es für die Gesundheit so wichtig rechtzeitig kleine Inseln der Entspannung zu finden, und wenn es nur 5 min zwischendrin sind. Du wirst merken, dass schon kurze Pausen Deine Produktivität und Leistungsfähigkeit verbessern können, aber was noch viel wichtiger ist, Du wirst Deine Arbeit mit mehr Leichtigkeit und Freude machen können. Die Bandbreite der Entspannungsübungen ist groß und wir wollen uns in diesem Artikel dem autogenen Training widmen. Aber was ist autogenes Training überhaupt?
Autogenes Training ist eine Entspannungstherapie, bei der formelhafte Sätze verwendet werden, die auf das vegetative Nervensystem wirken und unwillkürlich ablaufende Prozesse im Körper wie Atmung, Herzschlag oder Hormonausschüttung, regulieren können. Die Übungen sind einfach zu erlernen, dauern nur wenige Minuten und verbessern Dein Wohlbefinden. Wir zeigen Dir wie!
The story behind autogenic training
The German psychotherapist Prof. Johannes Heinrich Schultz developed autogenic training in the 1920s and became one of the world's leading psychotherapists. world-famous. Schultz worked with patients who had psychosomatic complaints. In the hypnosis sessions, he noticed that people were very often affected by sensations of heaviness and warmth and warmth. As he had not addressed this in his instructions, he realized that this was happens automatically. He attributed this reaction to the relaxation of the muscles back. He therefore asked himself whether physical relaxation could also cause mental relaxation.
He developed a method that enabled his patients to a kind of self-hypnosis self-hypnosis. Once they had learned the technique, they were able to themselves into a deep state of relaxation and were thus more independent.. Schultz called these exercises "autogenic training". "concentrated self-relaxation".
He held his first course on this in Berlin in 1924.
Aims of autogenic training
The aim of the exercises in autogenic training is to promote your health by:
- calmness and relaxation creating
- One immersion in one's own consciousness enables
- bodily functions influences
- Pain and anxiety alleviates
- The spiritual performance increases
- The self-perception promotes
This makes autogenic training ideal for falling asleep but is also suitable as an accompaniment to juice cleanse.
When and for whom is autogenic training suitable?
Autogenic training is suitable forprophylaxis for inner tension and nervousnessbut also for physical and mental stress and painvery well suited. In the sport it is used for the optimization of recovery and rest breaks and rest breaks. With a juice cleanse for 3, 5 or 7 days, you also give your body a break and can combine it perfectly with autogenic training.
Who is autogenic training not suitable for?
In principle, autogenic training is suitable for everyone. However, people with mental illnesses such as depression practise this together with an experienced therapist. With severe depression and acute psychoses these exercises are not suitable. You should also consult your doctor if you suffer from migraines or cardiovascular disorders.
Effectiveness of autogenic training
In autogenic training, the attention from everyday thoughts to the body sensation. When practicing with the help of various formulas the experience of relaxation with the accompanying symptoms such as warmth, heaviness, calmness and a pleasant coolness on the forehead are perceived. The success of the exercise depends on the extent to which the relaxation-promoting inner images and the extent to which you can maintain your attention on them. Until finally the relaxation as a reflex occurs.
Various studies have been carried out to prove the effectiveness of autogenic training. Autogenic training shows an improvement of around 40-50% of complaints after just 2 weeks:
- Irritability
- nervousness
- Difficulty sleeping
- muscle tension
- Rising heat
- Dizziness
- Trembling
- faintness
- Difficulty concentrating
- worries
- anxiety
- Digestive problems
- Breathing difficulties
After 4 months, the symptoms were reduced by 70-80% in some cases. Whereas after one year a reduction to 80-90% could be achieved. So this is an ideal supplement the next time you give your body a break and want to try a juice cleanse do one.
What types of autogenic training are there and how do they work?
There are different variants of autogenic training. Especially at the beginning and as an introduction, the Heavy or warm exercises. These can be performed while sitting or lying down.
Autogenic training - instructions for heaviness exercises
In the so-called heaviness exercise, physical relaxation is induced by a pleasant feeling of heaviness. It starts with the dominant side, i.e. the right side for right-handed people and the left side for left-handed people.
The formula is as follows: "My right/left arm is pleasantly heavy".
Concentration is directed to the corresponding arm. It can be observed that the body part feels heavier and heavier with each repetition of the "weight formula".
The feeling of heaviness is created by the relaxing muscles of the body part. This set should be repeated 4 to 6 times. As soon as a pleasant feeling of heaviness is felt in the selected arm, repeat the resting formula and then move on to the next desired body part, for example the other side or one of the legs. Here you apply the "heaviness formula" again according to the procedure described above.
The last step of the "gravity formula" covers the whole body:
" My whole body is pleasantly heavy ".
The important thing is to return the body to its normal state after performing the exercise in order to avoid fatigue and drowsiness. This is achieved by stretching of the limbs, deep breathing and finally the opening the eyes. If the "heaviness exercise" is used to help you fall asleep, the subsequent activation of the body is of course not necessary.
Autogenic training - instructions for the warmth exercise
The sequence of the so-called warmth exercise is identical to that of the heaviness exercise. Only the suggestion changes here. Instead of "My right/left arm is pleasantly heavy", the suggestion here is
" My right/left arm is pleasantly warm " is used.
Here too, we recommend repeating this 4-6 times until a pleasant feeling of warmth has developed. This process is continued until the formula reads:
" My whole body is pleasantly warm ".
Again, if the exercise is not used while falling asleep, it is important to exit the suggestion correctly and return the body to its normal waking state.
Other variations of autogenic training
Other options include concentrating on the heartbeat or breathing and imagining corresponding sentences:
"My heart beats calmly and evenly" or "My heart is comfortably warm".
"I breathe calmly and evenly" or "Every breath relaxes me further".
For a physical or mental refreshment you can also enjoy a cool forehead with the following sentence:
"My head feels pleasantly cool and light", "My head is free and clear", "It is pleasantly cool on my forehead", "My head is relaxed and detached".
Frequently asked questions about autogenic training
What do you do during autogenic training?
Autogenic training is a relaxation therapy, in which formulaic sentences are used that act on the autonomic nervous system and involuntary processes in the body such as breathing, heartbeat or hormone release, regulate can.
Who is autogenic training suitable for?
Autogenic training is suitable for prophylaxis for inner tension and nervousnessbut also for physical and mental stress and pain. In sport, it is used to optimize recovery and rest breaks. But you can also use it perfectly to improve your juice cleanse and thus give your body the optimum rest and reset your eating habits. For a healthy diet following your juice cleanse, you will find suitable recipes and other helpful information.
How many times a day should you do autogenic training?
With autogenic training 5 min is sufficient, which you 2-3 times into your day. For example the lunch break is a great way to start the second half of the day full of energy. Enjoy the second session after work to leave the stress of work behind you. For a deep and relaxed sleep, you can add a third session shortly before going to bed before going to bed.
Is autogenic training suitable for falling asleep?
Yes, the exercises are very suitable for falling asleep. They help you to find a calm and relaxed state, which makes it easier to fall asleep and can also improve the quality of your sleep. The final stretching and deep breathing that you would normally do to wake up is then of course omitted.
Can you lose weight with autogenic training?
With stress the stress hormones in your body increase, which in turn prevent the breakdown of fat but on the other hand also increased hungerespecially for sweets and fatty foods. Stress reduction, for example through autogenic training can therefore help you lose weight. have a supporting effect. As an introduction to a change in diet and to get rid of old eating habits, a juice cleanse ideally suited. For a healthy diet you will also find lots of delicious and healthy recipe ideas.
Is autogenic training self-hypnosis?
Yes, autogenic training is a form of self-hypnosis.
Is autogenic training covered by health insurance?
Many health insurance companies subsidize autogenic training. It is best to ask your health insurance company whether and to what extent they subsidize autogenic training.