Was tun gegen Heißhunger?

What to do against ravenous appetite?

You certainly know the feeling of ravenous hungerwhen a strong craving for food suddenly arises. This can be especially frustrating when you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight. In this post, we'll look at what you can do about cravings. We'll explore different strategies to combat these impulsive hunger and healthy eating habits maintain.

Causes of cravings

Physical causes

Cravings can be triggered by fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels rise quickly and then drop again, this can lead to intense cravings for food. In addition, hormonal changes in the body, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy, can also cause cravings.

Psychological causes

Cravings can be triggered by stress and emotional distress. In stressful situations or when emotions are strong, many people tend to eat to feel better temporarily.

Similarly, boredom can lead to cravings, as food often serves as a way to occupy or reward oneself. In addition, long-standing habits, such as snacking in front of the TV, can lead to uncontrolled cravings.

By understanding the various triggers of cravings, we can take specific steps to deal with them and improve our eating habits.

Effects of cravings

The effects of cravings are many and varied. We have summarized the most common ones for you here:

  • Weight gain and unhealthy eating: Cravings can lead to overeating, especially of foods high in calories and fat. This can lead to weight gain and an unbalanced diet in the long run, as often rather unhealthy snacks are preferred.

  • Guilty conscience and frustration: After a bout of cravings, many people feel guilty and frustrated about their lack of control. This can lead to a negative self-image and a vicious cycle where cravings lead to further emotional eating.

  • Health risks: Uncontrolled food cravings and an unhealthy diet can lead to several health risks. These include an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other diet-related diseases.

It is important to be aware of the effects of cravings in order to find motivation to counteract them. Through effective strategies and conscious choices, we can develop healthy eating habits and make positive long-term changes in weight and health. For an easy introduction to diet and nutritional change, a suitable3, 5 or 7 day juice cure. A juice cure is particularly suitable for the feeling of hunger and satiety to be perceived more clearly again.

Strategies to avoid cravings

Balanced diet

Above all, plan and eat regular meals to maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent cravings. High fiber foods such as whole grains, vegetables and legumes provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. One aspect that some people often overlook is the importance of the Amount of protein in the diet. Protein effectively satiates and helps prevent cravings. Likewise, high-quality fats are of great importance for the body and should be integrated as a fixed component in the diet.

You find it difficult to plan your meals in a balanced way and to shop for them? In the often stressful professional life, this is totally understandable. For this reason LiveFresh has the food cure developsLow carb, high protein and 100% vegan. The weight loss diet contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and some snacks you are completely supplied every day. The ready-made diet plan guides you through the entire diet and you do not have to buy anything else. 

Stress management and relaxation techniques

Exercise and physical activity help reduce stress and improve mood, which in turn can reduce cravings. Practice regularly Meditation, Autogenic training, deep breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques to reduce stress and make you feel better.

Sufficient sleep

Make sure you get a goodsleep hygieneby creating a comfortable sleeping environment and following a relaxing routine before bed. Also, stick to regular bedtimes to ensure that you are Get adequate and restful sleep get. Fatigue can promote cravings.

Eat consciously

Take your time when eating and consciously focus on the taste, texture and feeling of fullness of the food. Avoid distractions such as watching TV or talking on the phone while eating. Chew thoroughly and take your time while eating to give your body time to perceive the feeling of fullness. This can help reduce overeating and cravings.

By mindful strategies into your daily routine, you can effectively avoid cravings and develop a healthy relationship with food. Remember, it's important to find individual approaches that work best for you and not put too much pressure on yourself. A balanced and conscious diet is the key to controlling cravings in the long run.

Immediate measures for acute cravings

Alternative snack options

Reach for fresh fruits or vegetables when cravings strike. These options are nutrient-dense, high in fiber and satisfy hunger in a healthy way. Choose High-protein healthy snacks such as Greek yogurt or eggs together with high-quality fats from nuts, for example. Proteins provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety and help reduce cravings. Our delicious Organic Protein Snacks are vegan, low carb and high protein, making them ideal as a healthy snack between meals.

Distraction techniques

Distract yourself from cravingsTake a short walk or engage in other physical activity. This can help control your appetite and reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. Or engage in an activity that interests or relaxes you. Read a book, listen to music, paint, or engage in another hobby to take your focus away from cravings.

Dealing with relapses and mistakes

Acceptthat Relapses and mistakes are normal in the process of overcoming cravings. Don't be too hard on yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. Embrace them as learning opportunities and remain patient with yourself as you continue to work towards your goals.

Take advantage of the learning effect, by analyzing relapses and mistakes to understand what led to them and what patterns or triggers played a role. Maybe you didn't eat enough protein? Identify possible solutions and strategies to better manage similar situations in the future. Use these insights to adjust your approach and find more successful ways to deal with cravings.

Seek supportWhether it's through friends, family or professional help. Talk about your challenges and share your goals with others. They can help motivate you, hold you accountable, and offer practical advice or emotional support. Together, it's often easier to deal with relapses and get back on track.

Tips against cravings and for losing weight

To help lose weight and reduce cravings at the same time, there are some useful tips you can incorporate into your day:

  • Make sure you eat a balanced diet: Choose healthy, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, protein and high-quality fats. This diet provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and helps prevent cravings.

  • Drink plenty of water: People often misinterpret thirst as hunger. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water regularly. This usually helps very well against cravings.

  • Plan regular meals: Keep a regular meal schedule and avoid taking long breaks from eating. Regular meals help to keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent cravings.

  • Avoid highly processed foods: These often contain many empty calories and can cause cravings. Choose natural, unprocessed foods instead.

  • Go for high-fiber foods: Fiber provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Add foods like whole grains, legumes and vegetables to your diet.

  • Eat enough protein and high-quality fats: Proteins saturate well and, together with high-quality fats, provide you with optimal nutrition so that cravings don't stand a chance.

Recipes for healthy snacks that support weight loss and reduce cravings

  • Greek yogurt with berries: Use low-fat Greek yogurt and add fresh berries. This snack provides protein, fiber and antioxidants.

  • Vegetable sticks with hummus: Cut a variety of vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers and peppers into sticks and serve with homemade hummus. This is a healthy and filling option.

  • Baked sweet potato chips: Slice sweet potatoes thinly, brush them with a little olive oil and bake them in the oven until crispy. These homemade chips are a high-fiber alternative to regular potato chips.

  • Quinoa Energy Balls: Mix cooked quinoa, rolled oats, almond butter, honey and dried fruit to make a sticky mixture. Form small balls and chill them in the refrigerator. These energy balls are great for on the go. Another super alternative are our Cookie Dough Energy Balls.

  • Avocado Toast: Toast whole wheat bread and top with fresh avocado, tomato slices and a little salt and pepper. This snack provides healthy fats and fiber. Or you can prob try our Sweet potato avocado toast.

In our Blog you will find many more healthy snacks and recipes that will help you effectively prevent cravings and lose weight. 

Frequently asked questions about what to do about cravings:

Why do I have cravings?

Cravings can have various causes, both physical and psychological. Physical causes can include blood sugar fluctuations and hormonal changes. Psychological causes include stress, emotional strain, boredom and habits.

How can I avoid cravings?

There are several strategies to avoid cravings. These include a balanced diet with regular meals and high-fiber, high-protein foods. High-quality fats also play a major role. Stress management techniques such as exercise, meditation and adequate sleep can also help. Conscious eating, mindfulness and slow eating are other helpful approaches.

What can I do if I have acute cravings?

For acute cravings, alternative snack options such as healthy fruits, vegetables or protein-rich foods can be a good choice. Distraction techniques such as going for a walk, physical activity or engaging in hobbies usually helps to overcome cravings.

What can I do if I have relapses or make mistakes?

It is important to practice self-acceptance and patience when relapses or mistakes occur. Use these experiences as learning opportunities and analyze what led up to them. Look for solutions and strategies to better handle similar situations in the future. If necessary, seek support from friends, family, or professional helpers.

How long does it take to get cravings under control?

The length of time to get cravings under control can vary from person to person. It is an individual process that requires time, patience and perseverance. It is important not to put too much pressure on yourself and to celebrate small progress. With time and continued effort, you can improve your craving management.

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