Bounty Rice Cake

Bounty Rice Cake

One Bounty Rice Cake is a quick and easy recipe for a delicious and healthy snack, perfect for a little treat in between meals. With only few ingredients you can prepare this delicacy in no time.

Preparation: 5 min.

Preparation: 1 hr. 40 min.

Total time: 1 hr. 45 min.

Cuisine/Origin: Regional

Ingredients (3 cups):

3 rice cakes

150g Greek yogurt

Agave syrup

2 tablespoons coconut flakes.


Dark chocolate

Coconut flakes


  1. Coarsely crumble the rice cakes and mix them with the Greek yogurt and a dash of agave syrup until an even mixture is formed.

  2. Now add 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes and stir again.

  3. Pour the mixture into a small cake pan and press it evenly with a spoon

  4. Let the Rice Cake rest in the refrigerator for about 1 hour until it is firm.

  5. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath and pour it over the Rice Cake. Then sprinkle it again with coconut flakes.

  6. Let the Bounty Rice Cake rest in the fridge for another 30 min. until the chocolate has set.

  7. Now you have a delicious and healthy snack that you can enjoy anytime!

Nutritional values (per 100g):


35,4g carbohydrates

4,8g protein

7,4g fat

Recipe video:

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