Timeless superfood: is porridge healthy?

Zeitloses Superfood: Ist Porridge gesund?
Zeitloses Superfood: Ist Porridge gesund?

In einer Welt, in der neue Superfoods fast täglich die Schlagzeilen beherrschen, gibt es ein paar Nahrungsmittel, deren gesundheitlicher Nutzen die Zeiten überdauert hat. Eines davon ist Porridge – ein traditionelles Frühstück, das nicht nur lecker schmeckt, sondern auch zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile bietet. Doch was macht Porridge zu einem so wertvollen Bestandteil einer ausgewogenen Ernährung, und wie kann man das perfekte, gesunde Porridge zubereiten? In diesem Beitrag tauchen wir in die Welt des Porridges ein und erklären, warum es als zeitloses Superfood gilt.


  • Die Auswahl der richtigen Zutaten entscheidet maßgeblich über den Nährwert und die gesundheitlichen Vorteile des leckeren Gerichts.
  • Porridge ist reich an wichtigen Nährstoffen und Vitalstoffen, die zur allgemeinen Gesundheit und dem Wohlbefinden beitragen.
  • Der Blutzuckerspiegel steigt nur langsam und gleichmäßig an, wodurch Du Heißhungerattacken vorbeugen kannst.
  • Porridge kann leicht an verschiedene Ernährungsbedürfnisse angepasst werden. Ob vegan, glutenfrei oder laktosefrei.

What is porridge made from?

Healthy porridge starts with the choosing the right ingredients, because this foundation is decisive for the nutritional value and health benefits of the tasty dish. High-quality wholegrain oats or soy flakes form the best base. Fresh fruit, nuts and seeds not only offer a variety of textures and flavors, but also increase the content of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. The Avoiding added sugar or artificial sweeteners and instead using natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup or ripe bananas emphasizes the health aspect and ensures a healthy taste. balanced, nutritious breakfast.

Porridge made from oat flakes

Oat flakes, known for their high fiber content, high carbohydrate content and low protein content, often form the basis. Although oats can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, they are not necessarily considered healthy due to their nutritional values.

Porridge made from soy flakes

For a nutritious porridge, it is better to opt for soy flakes. Soy is low in carbohydrates, high in protein and also low in calories. Its high protein content makes it an excellent choice for a filling and energizing breakfast in the morning. The soy flakes are digested very slowly, which means your hunger is satisfied for a long time and there are no cravings afterwards. The superfood is also rich in nutrients, vital substances and valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

Porridge - Lower Carb High Protein - Organic & Vegan - 420g Porridge-Probierpaket: Drei Packungen "Live Fresh Lower Carb & High Protein Porridge" in den Sorten Apfel-Zimt, Beere-Vanille und Schokolade stehen nebeneinander. Auf dem Tisch liegen Zutaten wie Beeren, Zimtstangen, Chiasamen und Schokoladenstücke. Zum Produkt

Prepare healthy porridge

The variety in the preparation of porridge makes it possible to add various healthy ingredients. Nuts and seeds, such as chia seeds or linseed, increase the omega-3 fatty acid content, while fresh fruit such as berries, bananas or apples provide a sweet note and additional vitamins and antioxidants. For the liquid, you can use water, milk or plant-based alternatives such as an almond, oat or soy drink to enjoy a creamy porridge. Preparing a nutritious porridge is easy and leaves plenty of room for creativity.

Basic recipe for a healthy porridge:

  1. One portion of porridge (oatmeal or LiveFresh soy flakes mixture) with warm water.
  2. Stir until a smooth mixture is formed. Then leave to stand for 3-5 minutes until the desired consistency is reached.
  3. Add fresh fruit, nuts or seeds to taste.
  4. Alternatively, add a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to the porridge to provide natural sweetness.

Experiment with different toppings and spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla to give your porridge unique flavors and start each day with a little variety.

Eine Person, die eine Schüssel mit Porridge hält, garniert mit frischen Beeren wie Himbeeren, Heidelbeeren und Erdbeeren sowie weiteren Zutaten. Die Person isst den Porridge mit einem Holzlöffel und trägt sportliche Kleidung, wobei der Fokus auf der Schüssel liegt.

In our News & Juice Blog you will find many recipes for your healthy breakfast - from homemade high protein porridge to various overnight oats and low-calorie breakfast wraps.

Why is porridge healthy?

Porridge offers a range of health benefits that make it an ideal breakfast or healthy snack. Porridge is also rich in important nutrients and vital substances that contribute to general health and well-being.

All the health benefits at a glance:

  • Fiber for a healthy gut: The fiber it contains supports digestion and can counteract an unpleasant bloated belly.
  • Proteins for long-lasting satiety and more energy: The protein in porridge keeps you full for a long time and provides long-lasting energy. The blood sugar level only rises slowly and evenly, which helps prevent cravings.
  • Fewer calories for better weight management: Especially the LiveFresh Soy flakes porridge is particularly low in calories, which can help with weight management. Find out whether you can lose weight with porridge in our blog post.
  • Lots of important nutrients for a healthy diet: It is mainly the hemp seeds, linseed and chia seeds that are rich in nutrients and vital substances as well as high-quality omega-3 fatty acids. LiveFresh Porridge also contains at least 16 g of protein and less than 6 g of sugar per portion.
  • Adaptability: Porridge can easily be adapted to suit different dietary requirements. Whether vegan, gluten-free or lactose-free - porridge is a versatile breakfast that you can enjoy whatever your lifestyle.

How many calories does porridge have?

The amount of calories in porridge can vary depending on the ingredients and portions used. 50 grams of oat flakes contain approx. 200 kcal. If you prepare the porridge with warm water instead of milk, the finished snack will only have as many calories as the raw oats. However, the porridge will definitely not taste the same. Adding 1 teaspoon of honey adds about 20 kcal. If you add toppings such as nuts or fruit, the calorie content will of course increase even more.

With the LiveFresh You can save calories with the soy flake-based porridge. 50 grams of the soy flake mixture contains approx. 180 kcal. Doesn't sound like a big calorie saving at first. But what makes the difference is that it already contains natural sweeteners and, depending on the flavor you choose, delicious ingredients such as chocolate drops, almonds, apple cubes, freeze-dried berries etc.. So you don't need any other toppings to make your porridge a real treat.

Here you can find more information on the topic: How many calories does porridge have?

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