Hand hält eine Flasche rote Beete Saft vor einem Feld mit blühenden Sonnenblumen.

The beetroot juice and its special effect

The special effect of beet juice on the body is often underestimated. Even if the taste of beet is not everyone's cup of tea - the vegetable is at best an enrichment for health. In this article, we'll tell you why you should drink beet juice and how you can make this health-promoting drink yourself.

Beet - the miracle tuber

Beet is one of the most popular winter vegetable in German-speaking countries. On the outside, the tuber looks quite inconspicuous, but its inner values are quite something.

  • Beet has vitamin Bwhich is important for the skin and nerves, among other things.
  • The vegetable also contains vitamin A and an impressive amount of vitamin C.
  • The tuber also offers trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, iodine, sodium, zinc and copper.
Three unpeeled beet tubers, tied together on an old wooden board.

Beet can easily impress with its special active ingredients. In terms of taste, the tuber is not everyone's favorite - because the vegetable has a rather special, slightly earthy taste.

Why you should drink beet juice : The benefits

But why is beet juice supposedly so healthy? We have the the main benefits of beet juice summarized for you:

  • Lowers blood pressure: If you eat beet regularly, it is said to have a positive effect on blood pressure.
  • Improves blood circulation: The nutrients contained in the tuber cause the blood vessels to dilate. This is why beet juice is so popular with many athletes. But you also benefit from well-circulated brain cells in everyday life.
  • Supports blood formation: The high proportion of iron and B vitamins also supports blood formation.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease: Consuming beet juice can reduce the risk of heart disease. Regular consumption of the vegetable can therefore reduce the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack.
  • Has an antioxidant effect: The power tuber is also said to have antioxidant effects and thus contribute to cell protection.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Beet is also said to strengthen the immune system. With a bit of luck, you will be spared a cold.
  • Supports skin, hair & nails: The nutrients in beet support the normal function of skin, hair and nails.
Glass full of dark red beetroot juice on a jute mat next to whole beet tubers.

To benefit from the effects of beet, all you need to do is drink a glass of the power drink every day.

Beet juice recipe: How to make beet juice simple make it yourself

You can easily make beet juice yourself. Just make sure you wear an apron and disposable gloves when processing beet. The red stains are very stubborn - It is not for nothing that the tuber is still used today as a dye.

Two glasses of beetroot juice decorated with lemon slices, with beet and carrots lying next to them.

Ingredients for the juice

To disguise the slightly earthy taste of beet, you can add with other fruits and vegetables. Apples, carrots and oranges make the the tuber's own flavor quickly disappear into the background.

  • 300 g beet
  • 1 apple
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lime / lemon
  • 1 small piece of ginger

Preparation of beet juice: Quick preparation

Preparation is quite quick:

  1. Peel the beet, oranges and limes or lemons.
  2. Then place all the ingredients in a juicer.
  3. Juice the ingredients and enjoy immediately.
  4. Optional: The beet juice tastes even better when chilled with a few ice cubes.

The best way to store fresh beet juice

To absorb all the nutrients directly, you should consume the fresh beet juice immediately. If there are any leftovers, you can use the juice in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. If you want to make sure that the juice does not lose its freshness and nutrients, you can also freeze the juice in an ice cube tray and defrost it as required.

Hand holding a bottle of beet juice in front of a field of blooming sunflowers.

It is even easier to freeze the juice and cold-pressed beet juice from LiveFresh - never heated and 100 % natural. In it remain guaranteed to retain the most important nutrients

More recipe ideas with beet 

Recipe 1: Beetroot salad with feta and walnuts 


  • 4 medium-sized beets 
  • 100 g feta cheese 
  • 50 g walnuts 
  • 1 apple 
  • 1 small red onion 
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil 
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar 
  • 1 tsp honey 
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • Fresh parsley to garnish 


  1. Prepare the beetWash the beet thoroughly and boil in a pan of water for approx. 30-40 minutes until soft. Then leave to cool, peel and cut into small cubes. 
  2. Cut the apple & onionWash and core the apple and cut into small pieces. Peel and finely chop the onion. 
  3. Feta and walnutsCut the feta cheese into small cubes. Roughly chop the walnuts and toast lightly in a pan without fat. 
  4. Prepare the dressingMix the olive oil, apple cider vinegar and honey well in a small bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 
  5. Mix everything togetherCombine the beet, apple pieces, onions, feta and walnuts in a large bowl. Pour over the dressing and mix well. 
  6. ServeArrange the salad on plates and garnish with freshly chopped parsley. 

Recipe 2: Beetroot risotto 


  • 2 medium-sized beets 
  • 1 cup risotto rice 
  • 1 small onion 
  • 2 garlic cloves 
  • 750 ml vegetable stock 
  • 1 glass of white wine (optional) 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • 50 g Parmesan cheese, grated 
  • 2 tbsp butter 
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • Fresh thyme leaves to garnish 


  1. Prepare the beetWash the beet thoroughly, peel and cut into small cubes. Cook in a pan with a little water for about 20-30 minutes until soft, then puree. 
  2. Prepare the stockHeat the vegetable stock and keep warm. 
  3. Base for the risottoPeel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Heat the olive oil in a large pan and fry the onion and garlic until translucent. 
  4. Add the riceAdd the rice to the pan and cook briefly, stirring, until it is slightly translucent. Optionally, deglaze with white wine and reduce. 
  5. Cook the risottoGradually add the warm vegetable stock to the rice, a ladleful at a time, and simmer, stirring, before adding the next ladleful. Repeat this process until the rice is cooked (approx. 20 minutes). 
  6. Stir in the beetFinally, stir the beet puree into the risotto and mix well. 
  7. RefineStir in the butter and grated Parmesan. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 
  8. ServeArrange the risotto on plates and garnish with fresh thyme leaves.

On our News & Juice blog you will also find other delicious recipes with beet such as the vegan beet pasta or the vegan beet couscous salad. 

Beet juice side effects: You should be aware of this

Although beet juice has many health benefits, there are still some side effects. a few things to bear in mind.

Interactions with medication

Do you suffer from pre-existing conditions or are taking medication medication, you should avoid the regular consumption of beet with your doctor in advanceto rule out possible interactions. This applies in particular to blood pressure problems, as beet juice the effectiveness of medication like blood thinners impair can.

Oxalic acid content

You should also avoid beet if you have problems with kidney stones, as the tubers contain oxalic acid. have a high oxalic acid content.

Discoloration of urine and stool

Drinking beet juice can lead to Urine and stool taking on a reddish color. However, this is harmless and quite normal.


Frequently asked questions about beet juice:

What are the benefits of beet juice?

Beet juice can help to improve your lower your blood pressureYour promote blood circulationthe reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks and contributes to the normal function of skin, hair and nails. The vegetable is also said to have an antioxidant effect and strengthen the immune system. All in all beet is a real power tuber.

How often should you drink beet juice?

Just one glass of beet juice a day provides our body with valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The vegetable not only lowers blood pressure, but also helps you stay fit. However, you should avoid the power drink if you suffer from pre-existing conditions or have to take medication regularly. In this case, frequent consumption of beet juice should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

How is beet juice made?

Beet juice is available in two varieties: Pure or as a mixture. We also distinguish between cold pressed1unheated juices and pasteurized juices, which we do not recommend, however, because important nutrients are lost through the heat treatment. are lost through heat treatment. Do you already know our juices from LiveFresh? Try our incomparably delicious blend with beet! Thanks to ingredients such as apple, orange and carrot, you can slowly get used to the often tart taste of beetroot. In addition to buying ready-made juice, you can of course also make it yourself with a juicer - but this is relatively time-consuming. That's why we are big fans of ready-made, unheated and cold-pressed1 juices. However, when buying beet juice, make sure that no added sugar and that the juice is not heated has been heated. 

How healthy is beet juice?

Beet juice is considered extremely healthyas it is rich in valuable nutrients. Among other things, beet juice contains Vitamin C, iron, folic acid and antioxidants. These nutrients can strengthen immune function, promote blood formation and reduce inflammation. The nitrates they contain are also said to be able to help reduce the lower blood pressure and the improve blood circulation. For this reason, beet is often referred to as a sports vegetable.

Does beet juice have side effects?

Beet juice is generally safe and healthyif it is in moderate amounts is consumed. However, some people may experience side effects if they consume too much. If you drink too much of the delicious juice, your urine may turn reddish in color. However, this is harmless. It becomes more critical if you regularly take medication or suffer from a pre-existing conditionbecause beet can impair the effectiveness of some medicines and has a very high oxalic acid content. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor beforehand.

A brief look back: beet through the ages

Interestingly enough Beet was already known and loved by the ancient Greeks and Romans, not only as part of their diet but also as a remedy. Over time, it found its way into the kitchens of Europe and became an integral part of many traditional dishes. Nowadays Beet a renaissance of sorts, thanks to the growing interest in healthy nutrition and natural foodsthat are good for body and soul.

How to cleverly incorporate beet juice into your everyday life

Start in small steps

If you're just starting out, Beet juice I recommend taking it slowly. Start with a small glass a day and observe how your body reacts to it.

Round off the taste

If the earthy taste of beet juice is not quite your thing, try mixing it with other juices. A little apple juice or orange juice can work wonders and not only makes the juice more pleasant in taste, but also enriches it with further vitamins.

Discover the versatility

Beet is incredibly versatile. You can use them raw in your salad grated, cooked as side dish or enjoy as a colorful ingredient in smoothies use. Experiment with different preparation methods to beet to enjoy beetroot in all its facets.

Stick with it

You will achieve the best effects if you Beet juice regularly into your diet. Get into the habit of drinking a glass a day and you will soon notice positive changes.

Pay attention to the quality

When preparing your juice, you should preferably use Organic beet to minimize the intake of harmful substances. Freshly squeezed juice offers the most benefits, but high-quality ready-made products can also be a good alternative if you're in a hurry.

By Beet juice as a regular part of your daily diet, you are not only taking advantage of the many health benefits of this amazing vegetable, but also adding a delicious and nutrient-rich element to your diet.

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